The genji buffs

yeah he wasn’t effective before… but that was because of armour and AoE heals…

Buffing genii instead of nerfing armour and aoe healing was a mistake.

They did the same with goats… aoe healing was the issue, so they reduced shields…

Pretty sure they know what they are doing but sometimes I do question.

Also, in lower ranks there are sooo many people smurfing and boosting thanks to genii and the low priced accounts and double xp event.

It is very clear Blizzard have no intention of truly balancing the game. They just want to force a meta on people once more.

Games decided by who gets the most nano blades in a game is utterly tedious. I don’t want to wait for 2 people to press Q and one of them to randomly smash his face into his keyboard claiming its skillful.

Idea for experimental mode… overwatch, without ultimates…

Buffing genii […] was a mistake.

I don’t think Genji needed a buff but I don’t think he’s suddenly OP now.

They did the same with goats… aoe healing was the issue

GOATs wasn’t even a problem outside of the extremely well-coordinated teams in the OWL.

Games decided by who gets the most nano blades in a game is utterly tedious

Then pick something to counter Genji? Mei and Winston can both shut him down hard, same goes for Moira. If you are physically incapable of aiming at one jumpy boi then Torbjorn and Symmetra’s turrets may help you.

overwatch, without ultimates…

Ultimates are pretty well balanced, none of them guarantee kills.

Artemis… can always guarantee you’ll reply with your holier than thou wisdom.

Do you not realise we all know there are soft counters. That’s irrelevant. But we can all play those heroes as perfectly as you. You must hard counter everyone you ever play against.

Must be nice being rank 1 in all roles.

I also never said anything about the general balance of ultimates. I just find that a game based solely on nano blades will be utterly tedious. And that overwatch without ultimates might be fun to try for a few days.

But, then again, you’d probably disagree… no ones allowed to just have fun anymore lol

genjis are destroying game right now with their mercy pocket. rc dash rc is killling full hp sup-dps heroes less than 1 sec.