There no defense against report system abuse

I am pretty sure i said Rword bast/rein strat.

yet you love taking stuff out of context. and tbh this angers me.

Trust me at one point you cant say anything any more.

and ya ofcourse you throw it on the Rword because it makes u feel morally better, like u never used it, hypocrite.

I use to use that and the gamingly aproved a word but i have yet to use them once from more then a year.

Cant say that i dont want to, but from what i see it only helps me get some moral but it leads to tilt some people.

I love your childish way of thinking.

even my pills cant stop me from being mad from what you write.

What about this my whole country uses it ?

Well you are free to use it in any way that cant be taken out of centects, look i peronaly wount report anyone who goes like “oh genji you b word” but some just dont wanna see any of.

When you tell someone dont be so r word they read that, they dont think “ohh so this guy lives from that part of the world it must be a thing that they say”.

Like i sayed is russia on the news and in the parlament they refet to african americans by the n word with hard r and in russia thats the right non racist way to call them.
So if you want you coltural refrence the russians will want that as well or such.

Is it that hard to ignor using that word?

yes you report people left and right and u admitted it in prev post.

And please start making sense i am too tired to fix your sentence construction.

I told you that i report people who call me uselss or terrible, dont poot words in my mouth and the coc lets me do that.

Mind you id get called that once in 100h or so.

Oh boiiiiiiii oohhhh mannnnnnn, you are breaking my balls.

Do i really need to go back to your post where u admit to doing what your claiming your not doing now ?

Like,… wickedlike , maybe your young. or still in studies, but in general people dont like hypocrites , people who come to the forum more often, and know you they know what i am talking about.

i dont hate people for having there opinion, but i do dislike them and at this moment your in the top 10.

When ever i see your post i know you just gonna spam the thread with white noise.

I wish u all the luck in the world, but learn to have a discussion.

Edit: the above had lots of negative light on it, So let me add something.

I dont mind going into a discussion with you, but you have to build your response better.

  • check for mayor spelling mistakes ( everyone does this especially me since i think faster then i type )

  • dont add whole lines to your post after you made it without using “edit:”

  • avoid making it a yes/no battle ( i keep doing this sometimes to)

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What do you call white noise? Someone disagreeing with you? From what i see thats whats it is…

So this is not white noise ?

1st of all im sure that not 100% of the netherlands use that… like a lot of people might use it yes but 100% is just to much to believe.
2n Why something ok in the netherlands it must be ok for the rest of the world? Like i sayed in russia they used the N word as a defalt word for afrecan americans. Thats just the same thing but in my case its 100% used by every russian even the news.

I agree with alot of stuffs but i think that the moment someone flames or degrades anyone its wrong and unwanted since it helps no one but the one whos degrading people. Like i said people don’t only report for chat abuse they report for gameplay sabotage as well and its the only reason one tricks are getting banned even thou its not an offence. So when you start insolting and degrading someone on your team he wil likly get reported by the set teammate who agree with your insolts. So ofc ill report any form on degrading language that’s used towards me or my teammates. But thankfully that doesnt happen a lot in my games. You are at an ok SR from what i see at lest poeple start playing disantly at that SR cant see why you want to insolt anyone.

If you call our rinehart a B word without it being an obvious joke i will instanly report that since you are just sending hate to that player.

You can make all the tasteless jokes or refrences you want to make ill just rub it of as cringe and move on with my game.I just said that “they are poeple who will still get offended from that” I mean it doesn’t take that much ethics or morals to get that. Yet its better for you to ignore the people who get offended and furthermore calling them salty because they can’t stand something you can.

If you tell someone to not be R how are you not calling him R? And i love how you expect them to know of a saying that i as a 27 yo whos been to netherlands once for a short VC dont even know about it.

Do you even know how many players have reported you or anything? Since you make it sound like 10 salthy players reported you and you get banned.

What i and you think doesnt really matter since im not going to chance your oppinion nor will you chance mine.

The only thing that matters is that you support this and i think thats ok.

But for me ill still go “no” for this to happen since forsure it will make the game more toxic the moment toxicity gets punished less. This is my oppinion. You didnt need to reply to me if you dont want my oppinions.

blizzard is an amarican company…

amaricans think nobody should say bad words on the internet but every movie has a gazilion F***'s, SH**'s, R-words, N-words, etc. :smiley:

i can’t stop thinking what a weird county it is hahaha

Yes they actually do. unless they dont speak dutch or usually religious ( Christians, Jews ) i live there trust me. no wait trust Jeremy Clarkson. WWW

Like its if you where african american you would call others the Nword, my best friends are arabs, and i could say half the time i asked there opinion or a question they bring up bombs, solve it with bomb ( as a joke blizzard dont want police on my doorstep ,thank you).

If you go to south Africa white people are arming them self to defend them self’s , its not just one sided racism. stupid people believe in racism smart people look past it, they can joke about it and never be offended. .

I agree, dont straight out call him Rword (this word and any word should be allowed on a place where u discuss stuff) But for example i say dude that charge was really Rword. in high masters/ gm this wont get me a report , in plat/diamond i can kiss my account goodbye. Like playing high skill level is a realy different environment.

i dont know where u went if it was amsterdam wel ehm 70 % if the peeps u see there are not dutch and the dutch that live there actually hate the tourist and wont talk to them ( most of them )

probably a couple of 100, but it was my healing only smurf, since my healing isnt GM i didnt want to risk it, so i bought a account and played healer only from level 1 to 25 and played placements as healer only to see where i would end up, since i won 7-10, people noticed i was a smurf ( my healing is reallllllllyy bad , bronze at best) but they kept reporting me for smurfing.

PS: off topic took me some time to read it all but thumbs up ( actually did read it all) , here you showed in a better way to have a discussion, keep it up!

Edit: and i havent been toxic but one instance of that account, all i did was advise them on there positioning and there plays ( they likes this btw they give me endorsements and told me they loved playing with me ) but this is now being punished for me so i will go back to not talking.

Like im sure that you will really hate me for stating this.

This game is marketed to kids (PG12) and that’s the only reason this won’t be accepted. Blizzard have to keep some face if they want the game to get advertised to kid. I don’t agree with this but ohh well it is what it is.

Like take it from an old dog gamer, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU. Games atm are just made to sycle players you eather adapt or get banned. My 2 main account on leag are banned for chat abuse since pointing out peoples misstakes is bad for the games face. Im sure that they dont forreal care about a player that has the option to mute the guy insolting him.

I mean if i know that ill be called the worst things you can imagine when i was still learning widowmaker i’d just don’t waste money on this game. I’m just glad that i’m keeping up with the game atm.

Not to say that like 4 out of my 8 accounts have been banned for a set time period only cause “gameplay sabutage” aka one-tricking. Yet ill tell you that eatch and every one of the games i lost vs a counter pick and such has helped me play widow that much better.

I dont think that the report system needs to get easyer but i can agree that they need to track more information and review it before they punish someone. TBH i dont have any prove that they dont do that since when im on the forum liesning to people who are punished they have done something that can lead to that happening in most cases.

Like just dont use the R word and you are ok, its not hard.
Ill say that its harder to deal with people who call you the R word then it is to not use it.

They keep pushing the game in a way thats more easy for you to find a team and play with. And i can say for sure that that’s the right way to play the game.
Solo que as good and chill as it can be it can be = disruptive and tilting not to say that its all RNG in the end of the day.

i dont hate people, hating people it tiresome.

ya but you can call them out on it and say it isnt right if that is your opinion ofcourse.

i am same age u are, and ur wrong once they did care , now they care about people that dont even play there game.

It actually is, i said it automatically in the prev post by mistake, and it took me 7 mins to find it so i could remove it and post.( it wouldn’t let me post otherwise ) , this is where discussions die and stupid people win when words are banned in discussions.

Like u shown u want to discuss, but also shown your ideas is unchangeable.
So i will leave it at this since we will be writing essay after essay.

What if i tell you i had the same problem with the A word and that coused my 1st leag account ban. So i just had to learn how to not use the A word or not play LOL.

When my 2n account got banned i learned not to use that word, it got ban cause i still pointed out peoples mistakes by telling them why they are bad or how they misplayed. At that point i just gived up on the game since it just wasnt for me. Mind you finding good teams on Lol is hard till this day. Not to say that Team Lol and solo/duo queue are difrent things.
Thats on LOL. Luck for me at about that time overwatch was getting hyped by every Lol streamer/youtuber when it was still in closed beta.

On overawtch i carryed my habit of telling and expecting people to play on a level that they just didn’t want to. Even know everyone can swap to a Rine and hold M1 to do x2 times better then they are doing on the current hero they are playing, but in time after looking at how i did that as well when i was learning widow i cant really blame this people anymore. Since they do need to get that expiriance for them self. ATM im a flax player since my widow ego makes me think that i can perform nearly every other hero do a decent level and ti lets me feel the rock/paper/sisrons balanced a lot more then i use to feel it.

Ill say that its hard to get mad at anything but the blizzard matchmaking system and the part that every player will at least have one selfish game or so on.

Like atm i wanna farm and keep my endorse level at 5 and the best way to do that is QP but boy is QP just the best place if you want some good overwatch games. I know it’s impossible to expect people to respect each other but QP just takes that to a new level. And EU’s language barrier isn’t helping at all.

I’ll say that more than 60% of EU players or so on (not proven) dont even know or can read the code of conduct. Expecting them to know what they are doing with the report system is understandable but increasing the cap on report won’t help, just like you love to say it will delay the inevitable.

i dont know what u mean with a word.

And i have read it all dont worry, i wont go into it tho since its your LOL adventur, u say admit to being toxic,

But my problem with this game is that compatitive behaviour is looked down upon. and bannable. (not bannable in any other game)

Like if you say to a teammate of mine dude your healing was freaking trash.

Id say to him look at your own performance.
but we cant now. it gets me banned, we correct each other anonymously now by using the report button, if you report me and i get banned i still have no idea what i did wrong.
But what happens when i appealed for my ban i got 3 lines from 100 hours of play.

its undeserved since i helped get lots of wins not by using my higher skill play but my knowledge of it and its undeserved.

Edit: maybe a revoke report button would do the trick cuz i am sure i am reported in the beginning and liked in the end.

Im just saying “No” to the topic that wants to increase the cap on reports an account can hold before its punishment. That will just prolong punishments it won’t help them. And taking the power from the report system will make the game more toxic then it is, so i don’t think that will help as well.

But i fully support them investing something into bettering the quality of the system.

I know what you did last summer! ha-ha be nice, don’t teabag,dont say ez clap etc, dont play sombra torb sym.

That’s stupid. Players shouldn’t have to avoid playing a hero just because of reports.

I’ve seen many people say the Overwatch community is one of the most toxic out there. If memory serves me correctly (I’m being lazy and not checking), there was an entire article about how it’s super toxic…

I know some that claim they are falsely reported are legit reported for legit reasons and deserve it, i honestly do not believe tho there no innocent players getting suspended silenced or banned, maybe we need a more transparent report system where other players can verify reports against other players that remain anonymous, the issue tho is we do not have a replay system yet to go thru every bit of proof, the kind of things that could easily work for already tho is any kind of toxicity in voice or chat etc.

Report system is way too easy to abuse. Angry people are using the report system as a “dislike” button instead of reporting actual reportable offenses and with the system being automated there’s nothing you can do to avoid being suspended.

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