This game is so trash

No , i just comented that the guy isn’t talking facts and does not know what he is saying , and then you said the same , which isn’t true lol. And i don’t care what you play i just know yall have the same opinion and its getting boring.

its getting boring people defending broken stuff aswell… but it happens…

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I have an idea. Why don’t you all just uninstall Overwatch and instead just fight and argue with each other on the forums instead? We can have a quickplay sub-forum for quick arguments and disagreements and then a competitive forum for real drawn out fights that take forever to settle.

Who needs games. Waste of time.


Lots of bronze debaters here.


well the game is so good that even tea with a empty blond is being watched more then the best ow stream out there .
must be something wrong but you can scream until your lungs bleed fanboys will always be fanboys . just delete the game and play a better one there many out there

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“Elistism”? We’re gamers, that’s the whole point of gaming, not to be “all inclusive”. OP is right, this game is trash. And it’s not a matter of “getting good”, I’m a hard core FPS Quake (the first one) player and have been playing games on Atari and onward since as long as I can remember hard core PC gamer.

These newer games Blizard is putting out require no skill, it’s predominantly button pushing and people figuring out what cheap moves they can repeat over and over with which character.

“Your elitism isn’t welcome here” Yea it is snowflake, and people like you are why gaming has gone to a bunch of unskilled morons. It has nothing to do with stuff we “don’t like” or “can’t play”, it’s the game mechanics are just plain bad to make it so “everyone can play”. Well everyone shouldn’t play, go play a phone game then. Can I play it and get good? Yea, and I can actually whip some people who’ve been playing it since it came out and I casually dropped into it. Why would I play this when I can play a real FPS? The only reason I even still play it is because my friend does and I casually play it with him.

The more I play it and the better I get at it the more I come to the conclusion that it is in fact garbage. There are too many flashy HUD display items, to the point you can’t even hardly snipe worth a damn from all the crap all over the screen, the head on each character is at a different place, some of the “snipers” don’t really even effectively snipe…

They’re trying to make an RPG out of an FPS and failed miserably. Not to mention, WHY THE HELL DOES EVERY CHARACTER HAVE DIFFERENT KEY BINDINGS?!?!? That’s the dumbest mechanic, some of them would overlap to be bound by the same key. It’s a badly designed game, the graphics are too bubbly, the game mechanics are horrible and it’s not for hard core gamers.

That’s the gaming community, you can keep your all-inclusive crap, Blizzard used to be one of the better gaming companies, they’ve really gone down hill since they were bought out.

You gotta have some tea, less coffee, and chillax my friend. The more you focus on things like meta, which generally only rule the very top ranks by mechanical design anyway, the less fun you’re going to have and the more you’re going to stress yourself into hating things.

You can love those which are not perfect. It’s kind of sad to see people become… well, let me put it this way, no game has ever made me sour, or use the word disgusting. You just need to lean back and realize where you’re putting yourself in terms of disposition. You might find you like the game(s) again.

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Overwatch was designed to be inclusive, but with the popularity of Esports, it is now designed to balance out the ESL for Overwatch, QOL of competitive players in a professional enviroment, balance patches for the OWL, the shield nerf for example, was not a “balance” - it was to speed up OWL matches, so Esports players don’t have to u se their brain and walk around the barriers.

The mercy nerf was because top 500 players didn’t want to use their brain to find mercy first, they instead just complained on streams to thousands of people, and peer pressured Blizz into nerfing her.

the Roadhog constant changes, nerf, buff, nerf, buff, they allow themselves to be bullied by higher ups, because they make money off this game, MAD money.

They changes the rules to allow for smurfing and boosting accounts, because it makes them 10x the income.
Overwatch is not inclusive, you are privilaged to be able to play, unless you are top 500 / streamer / esports, you don’t matter.

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This is incorrect.

The only change they made for the pro side of things was to bring in 222 and hero bans (hero bans quickly disappeared as it was just awful).

Even then, 222 actually makes it a lot easier for them to adjust the balance of the game.

Mercy was reworked (was actually a buff as she is technically stronger in neutral fights now) because the play style for her mass res ult was boring and basically rewarded hiding and not playing the game.

They’ve never allowed boosting. They’ve never allowed smurfing. But simply buying another account is not smurfing.

agreed. as a healer its annoying for the players in gold to not even bother switching off when it isnt working. had an ashe last game and their bob carried and so did their mccree ult. i can tell you a good portion of this game is aimbot (i.e. sym turrets, torb turrets, mcrees ult, ashes ult, soldiers ult). winning is based on luck half the time. its a bad game and im hoping OW2 will be much better

Stupidity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Onion how can you expect OW2 to be better when it’s made by the same people… it’s the same game with some new maps, skins, 1 less tank and that will most likely be it. It is gonna be just as bad as OW1


Imagine if true balance was finally achieved; Somebody’s losing a paycheck.

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Maybe. I mean this one tank thing could change it all. But I don’t see much else changing. I guess we’ll have to find out next year.

it really won’t change much, gonna be pretty much the same type of people playing it, it’s just same but different.

the thing that actually might be an upside is the PVE mode that funnels some more hardcore casual players to that side of the fence so in a sense it would create less friction in the pvp modes to some degree, how much idk and it’s purely speculative.

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Role-queue hasn’t changed my experience at all. I still commonly only have one player actually playing tank or healer and the rest are playing like dps. The change to one tank will just exacerbate the no-tank issue when a tank player (commonly) decides to play like a dps.

well having 1 tank play like a dps out of the two is just as bad as only having one tank that plays like a dps to me, or well honestly if there’s 2 it’s actually more distressing for the other tank player who has to try and take on the things the other one isn’t and it’s an uphill fight for the other tank more so than if he would be doing it by himself because he could be facing 2 tanks that are actually working together, and 2 tanks will allways have the upper hand against 1.

really it’s one of the reasons pre 2-2-2 was kinda bad for tanks as the other team could have 2 tanks and you had to be on the frontline against 2 by yourself, for me playing that was me just buying enough time before i died so that maybe the dps could do something to tip the scales making it easier for me to survive.

so yeah having to pull extra weight because someone wouldn’t do what they were supposed to is to me much more stressful, i mean imagine being a support and the other is just out trying to frag while you have to try and match the power of the enemy two supports.

rather just have 1 and if they play like a dps just play around that fact than just having a worse version of what the enemy is trying to play.

that’s how i see it personally though.

I’ve said it before and I’ll said it again, Blizzard will be the death of this game, not community childishness and toxicity, not smurfs. It’s acc quite sad because a lot of the issues Overwatch and other Blizz games have could so easily have been avoided.

I believe that’s insanity