This meta made so many people upset and quit the game

And here we go again. No examples, nothing of value other than the guy playing her and being at low SR. How is this supposed to be taken seriously?

We went from dive to dive. Welcome to how tanks felt after triple tank died and dive became the meta untill… now

Diverse play styles?
The only thing I see is Hanzo and Brigitte.


Perhaps in the gold ello. Not at the higher ellos.
People there play a lot of hero pools. It’s a lot more diverse there.

Yeah, I still think Hanzo is dragging it down a bit tbh. Reducing the “gravons” will make it a lot more fun.

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You’re over looking the actual problem, in a 6v6 based team environment you can exploit a Brigitte composition with ranged damage and movement in order to avoid a brawl, on ladder you don’t always have the communication, co-ordination or appropriate hero picks to exploit a Brigitte composition.

She is, without a doubt, laughably over powered and under skilled on ladder by basically forcing people not to play half of the DPS and Tank roster while being able to duel anything in her effective range and easily win thanks to Shield Bash. Just because she doesn’t have a 100% pickrate in OWL (which isn’t even playing on the same patch as us) doesn’t really mean anything as neither did Mercy in her undisputed meta.

Brigitte is literally the worst thing Blizzard has done to this game since launch, her design is so disgusting in terms of the low skillcap, high value output and its metagame defining effects that the design team would probably be forced to resign in a smaller gaming company. But as long as Overwatch is a cash cow, the people who don’t know better just WM1 most of the hit scans, flankers and tanks out of the meta and act like she’s a positive contribution to the game.

Half of my friends list is on a “season 10 break” because of Brigitte, not even pre-nerf Sombra had this level of impact at pissing people off.


People have to be really biased to think that Brigitte made Overwatch better and less toxic. The arrival of Brigitte just decreased by important numbers the skill ceiling of this game and highlighted the fact that OW has been in an awkward place for way too long.

Brigitte needs to be back to what a support is, in order for a support to be able to compete against tanks and DPS, the support should be able to be smart and play mind games, meaning countless hours of playing that hero, the average support isn’t supposed to be a consistent DPS killer because it just ruins the balance.

If brigitte keeps her current status then create a hero with high damage output who’s capacity can break brigitte’s shield in less than 5 seconds by strong attacks and make it that hero can also CC brigitte and be able to pull out 200 damage in less than 2 seconds so she can be killed easily

Then we would have two broken heroes and it would be even
(Yes this is a trollish post, like those who support the fact that Brigitte is balanced)


I agree, that on the ladder because of the lack of communication Brig is not easy to deal with like what happens in the OWL games. But how hard is it really to get on voice, and communicate tell your tanks not to get close, get the range heroes to attack her from range denying her the chance for a brawl ?

I guess, that’s why it was predicted earlier that higher up the ladder, Brig wouldn’t be as much as a problem as it would be lower down the ladder. In my comp games, I have started spreading the awareness to my team members on how to engage the Brig comps. Now those guys once they understand that will spread it to others in there comp goes. The information will then spread across the community like wild fire, until the point it becomes common sense for every individual on how to take on a Brig. Just a matter of time.

Here watch this: I think you need to know what I’m talking about.

If people quit that easy, then is pretty clear that those people had planned to quit and are just using it as an excuse.

So, nothing of value have been lost.

Oh this video says exactly what I’m saying :slight_smile: But well, likely not going to change anybody’s mind, since they seem to have surgically attached the OP-Brig glasses to their faces.

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Hey guys look. Its this guy again. He thinks brigitte can 1v1 anyone. He has no proof but expect others to give proof, even tho things like ranged heroes can automatically win 1v1 brigitte always if they own a brain.

show proof of all these people you say are quitting , i can say i saw a flying pig , does not mean its true and in the update where the devs have official figures he said over 40 million players , that does not sound like players are leaving as you suggest . why don’t you just say you want to quit because of x , y , or z instead of making false statements up for attention .

Look, you’re trying to argue against people’s SR instead of their arguments. That’s commonly known as “ad hominem” argumentation, and it’s frowned upon for a reason.

And you like to click the icons here to find out how good a player someone is? Ok, let me tell you;

I have three accounts. One that I entered ranked with as soon as I hit lvl 25. I placed in silver, stood still for some time, then tilted and fell like a rock.

I have one that I got because “ELO hell, and I am so awesome, and know everything.” I placed at 2750, then fell to low gold because of bad luck with dimwits and leavers. Hah, no, I just hadn’t realized I wasn’t very good. So I improved quite a bit using that account. Spent time learning, dicked around with EVERYTHING for learning purposes. It’s somewhere in gold/plat territory now.

And then I got a new account to see where I would place after practicing. I placed in diamond, ranked up to masters a few games later, and am slowly but surely climbing towards that 4k boundary.

But you decide by looking at THIS account, and since you don’t like what I’m saying (which is you’re the problem, not Brigitte), that I have no merits?

Jesus man, grow up, or switch to COD.

Well, low diamond is pretty much the same. Hanzo+3 or 4 other dps in every game.
Double sniper +no main tank going against double/triple shield choke spam comp.

At least Widow, Zarya and Ana are much more enjoyable to play w/o full dive every game.

Enemy Brig is annoying only when your team is just a random clusterf*ck going against well grouped enemies. And that pushback thingy seems to have some really weird physics from time to time.

Yeah, I think they have some weird impulse solution that becomes strange when applied to a box that is restricted to staying vertical. It becomes a bit more obvious with the whipshot thing than with Lucio boops.

I gotta say that i’ve only experienced more toxicity since the change

Well Hanzo is getting a nerf but I still think that he will be very strong.
I think that the biggest problems lay in Briggite. She is so good at countering dive that it allows Hanzo to stay alive much easier against a dive.
Obviously Hanzo is still really good but he would be easily countered with out a Brigitte

The toxicity is the same , nothing has changed.

Oh poor you… i really do weep for you. Try being a tank/healer in the past metas and getting harassed if you didn’t pick or now zarya/rein. And don’t even get me started if you wanted to play ana in the mercy meta…

That depends on the ello / region your at. I have experienced reduced toxicity now compared to before. These are my experiences and mine alone. Yours might be different.