Thoughts on Wrecking Ball?

Hey, I’ve just returned to Overwatch after a break and discovered Wrecking Ball.
Personally, I’m enjoying playing as an armed hamster. What are everyone else’s thoughts?

annoying af.
When I see one, I swap to mccree or reaper whenever its a viable option.

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It’s just fat genji… people play wrecking ball when genji isn’t an option because of mass spam dmg…

And just as annoying as genji… so when I see one I just go mei and make them my little frozen bitch… same when I see a dva


umm ok then your realllyyyy special

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Haha, yup they seem best for stopping him swinging about

Hammond/Wrecking ball is tons of fun to play


not the best counter i would go with mei or Birgitta , Sombra is useful too.

also more generally my thought on hammond is… well where are all the voice line interactions between him and junkrat and roadhog… those 3 are basically neigbours so why no interactions yet? that is something i’ve been missing.

then again maybe they never interacted directly hmm… still they have lots in common…

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Yeah, seems to be an option for when your concentration is low and you feel like just smashing about

He’s great, people think he’s an offtank but he’s actually a main tank, he can create so much space for his team and cause a ton of disruption.

Unless there’s a Sombra that constantly hacks you in the enemy team, even against Mei, Cree and other soft counters, it’s fairly easy to get value if you’re not overstaying your welcome.