Tracers ultimate vs Mccrees fan the hammer

Its a proj, but the animation is deceiving, it has something like a “cast time” thats hidden in the animation, you can use a dash and start “casting it” mid dash or before the dash to hide the animation. But if you have ping, your opponents don’t even see you start the animation, there fore the server doesn’t pick it up. But you still send info to the server that you’ve used it. Every ult works like that tbh. If you have more then 20 ping you can’t really expect the game to play smoothly.
If you have ping you can expect to get killed at the start of your blinks as well. Like if you blink but the opp kills you on the spot you used blink no the spot you are, or getting killed behind walls.

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They could (and should probably) have fixed FTH by fixing the erratic and unreliable spread.

Even now, when it fires, the first bullet doesn’t even go where the crosshair is. I mean, I understand some spread (or people would game it hard)… but it’s SO bad from the off that ‘aiming’ it feels like a bit of a misnomer/oxymoron/whatever.

And, of course, people are toxic as FFFF about it in games, McRightClick, etc. Which is kinda understandable. It feels a shade too good.

They should fix it so that when you shoot with FTH then you shoot one shot at a time and the faster you press RC the faster you shoot,
You must aim with this but lose the old uncontrollable FTH spread,
let’s say you flashbang a Tracer then use my version of FTH to one shot Tracer in the head,
but FTH has a larger falloff range than mccrees has on hes normal LC click shots

Yes. Its not like tracer needs the bomb. Its something of a bonus.

do you play Tracer at all? is she so OP that she doesn’t deserve a solid ultimate?
McCree has Tracer’s ultimate damage output in his right click plus a bit more on a timer.

This is correct. Roadhog and Doomfist are very similar, underwhelming ultimates but very strong abilities.

The only thing she deserves is a nerf, so many heroes got nerfed because they countered her and they gave her literally the slightest nerf possible because the devs have to keep their posterchild op,and you can try to get near the enemy team as mccree and use rightclick but they wont let you go away if they have functioning brains

Thats why nobody plays her anymore bc she’s to hard to get much value.
I know I know she completely wrecks all elo’s with her dead pick rate/win rate bc she simply can’t die against a uncoordinated aimless team.

She is based around outplaying, if mccree misses his stun, she deserves to wreck him, she won’t wreck him or a support if they are protected by 3 supports.

And she is not ez to play, maybe in silver where nobody hits her, but that’s not her issue.

Op is not a hero with less than 50% winrate.

Srsly ever tried to get a kill in a 3-3 comp?

Our default qp with 5 dps 1 heal are her wet dreams since she basically does 1v1 untill everyone is dead.

But I can understand that some think she’s op, bc she allows you to get better all the time unlike other heroes like brig as example where you can only really shine when you do clutch heals or stun a deadly ultimate.

If tracer was op, she’s played in contenders and co bc these are the best players, if they can’t run tracer she’s not op.
Same with reaper.
Bronze & silver will say he’s op now, everyone else will say he didn’t change at all.

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why do you think heros like
Genji,Tracer,soldier76,Mccree is not in the nerf and buff spotlight, while heroes like Mercy,Birgitte,Torbjør,Symmetra are there?

1 Mercy,Birgitte,Torbjørn,and Sym AND MEI 2 BTW are in ther own class off unfun heros to play vs,
2 they have next to zero needed skills in mechanical skills in ther kit.

it can be discussed that Torb is the 1 that need the most mechanical skills in this group

Its pretty clear you’ve never spent any time playing Tracer!

Torborn’s turrets basically put out an aura of dead Tracer, Winston or Moria quickly force you to use all your teleports getting out of range. Going near a JunkRat is a very dicey thing to do since they can throw and detonate their bombs instantly damaging you and getting them range. Getting in any sniper’s LOS is a death sentence.

Tracer is a very hard character to play well and still isn’t as powerful as Genji or McCree imho.

Its clear you never had to face gm/top500 tracers, otherwise you would not defend her

Its clear you don’t know what you are talking about since I pointed out several counters to tracer… And if she was so OP, why at GM level are Genji and Ashe both picked much more? Also both with higher win-rates and ‘on fire’ %?

Her pick-rate is almost a full 10% behind Genji… So if you are talking Tracer nerfs, they should come well after the Genji nerfs…

Or are you saying the GM players don’t know which characters are most powerful? So just cos you are salty about getting owned by better players doesn’t mean she is OP.

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And just my idea, if a top500 can’t be beaten, doesn’t that show Why they are top500?

I might be confused but I thought they are the best possible players to fight against.

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true true hear hear.

true,and yes I forgot Mei,u know junkrat is not that bad off a hero anymore,when you look at all heros in the game.

yeh,im not that in 2 Mei and her antifun playstyle.

7.5m away? Isn’t max flash distance 9m (7m throw + 2m splash)? You’d be lucky with spread to kill a training bot at that distance and those guys are twice as wide (more than twice compared to skinny heroes). I find it hard to believe that you’d get kills on 200 hp targets from there. Better off two tapping every time