We shouldn't loose SR when someone leaves

Please, Blizzard

All I want to do is RANK UP
but that is impossible when every second game you play someone of your team leaves the match and you’re in the minority.

Imagine: a game in which your team is slightly better than the other team and it’s looking pretty good, but in the last round one of your teammates just leaves the match because his mommy called him downstairs to set the table and you LOOSE because of that guy.

I know there a penalties for leaving a comp match, but how is that affecting ME or MY SR? Of course it sucks for the leaver, but I still loose SR and my stats go down.

This is why I suggest that the team with the leaver DOES NOT LOOSE ANY SR or at least NOT AS MUCH. The enemy team can still gain theirs.

I know if the game is totally lost someone could just sacrifice himself for the team so noone looses SR and that’s a bit of a minus - but I think it’s a fairer way than loosing because someone just left the match, which happens especially often in lower ranks (Silver, Gold)

Does anyone agree? I aprecciate any comments.


Finally someone who’s mentioning this problem. I can only agree to what he Said. I am stuck in silver like forever now and this is the reason why. So Blizzard i beg You to so something about it.
And to everyone who agrees please share this!

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Back in the old forums we had so many people mentioning this - after returning I wondered where those threads were. Trust me, you’re not the first one with this suggestion by a long shot :slight_smile:

Anyway, it’s an iffy problem. Yes, everyone hates leavers, and I myself have had evenings when I lost a ton of SR because of leavers in an otherwise perfectly winnable game. It does suck and feel unfair. But some guy taking one for the team when the match goes bad and the other 5 people on the team not losing SR, is a bigger issue than you think.

The first problem everyone mentions is abuse: what if it is done in a 6-stack and they each take turns leaving when the match starts to go bad? That way the net value of SR those 6 people gain can be vastly higher than normal, even if every one of them left one match. The obvious solution to that is to only give SR loss to the people who are in the same group as the leaver. But I think that is even more unfair and will actually demotivate people from playing in a group.

I’m pretty certain Blizzard has good reasons for a) not canceling the match and b) not granting the people left in the team the benefit of not losing SR for that match. SR balance can be tricky. The winning team gaining SR and the losing team not losing SR, is bound to skew some balance. What if you have a leaver in the last 30 seconds of the game when the outcome is pretty determined already? How is it fair that a leaver in the final seconds suddenly means you won’t lose SR even if you lost that game fair and square?

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Mhh i have to admit you are right. But this ist still a big issue that needs a solution. Anyway me and many others will stop playing this Game sometime because its no fun anymore…

“You are rigth about everything you wrote”, would be what ı say if blizzard did not change the group system. In new group system higher rank players can not group 6 stacks they can only have 2 people in a group to play in comp. So those who will form a 6 stack and abuse the system will not go to very high levels like this way now. And when you think about the 6 stack people means teams which play their best (thats how it should be), those who will try abuse it will find them leaving game after game which will cause them to get banned in long term. In short term winning team won their sr they couldnt abuse it to high level games and at low level if they are trying to abuse it they will get punch in the face by better players… It seems fair to me and ı see no problem with it now… Please tell me if you see anything meaningless

People abusing it in a 6-stack is not even the biggest reason why removing the SR loss isn’t that simple. There is a whole SR “economy” monitored by several stats and reports we don’t have a clue about - otherwise losing SR for a match because of a leaver in the early phase would not even be a thing.

Is the current solution fair? No, not at all. But simply removing the SR loss from a match you would probably have lost anyway (because the majority of leavers quit the game for that reason alone, not because their mom yells at them) does not sound like a good idea either.

when people are bailing from your matches, you are probably part of the problem. Start playing as team maybe.

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This works as intended; People get angry then toxic then banned, Blizzard is happy. Match making is a joke, balance is a joke, ranks are a joke, this game only aggravates and it was designed to do exactly that. Well done Bli$$ard

Blizzard’s probable response: “If you can’t win 1v6 against GM smurfs you don’t deserve bronze. Stay in your rank and buy OWL merchandise.”

a) As mentioned, it would be severely abusable.
b) Your team: you +5 randos. Enemy team: 6 randos. Bottom line: enemy is more likely to have throwers and leavers, unless you are the problem.
c) People would be bullied into leaving for less of a penalty.

I totally agree… How is it fair for me to lose SR due to an other persons fault? How is my skill rate based on this? Its just ilogical, they need to change this.

If you’re stuck in silver, its because you’re bad, not because of leavers. I guarantee you there are more games without leavers than with leavers.

its called team game. One of the team f.cks up, rest of the team suffers.
Has been always like that, go play Quake Champions if you don’t like this concept.

Kannst du bitte den Titel ändern von loose zu lose. Es brennt mir in den Augen, da ich den Thread sehr interessant finde. Danke.
loose == adjektiv meint locker, lose
lose == verb , meint verlieren

You create an account only to post the usual victim blaming? It is NOT his fault as match-making is flawed, no replacement for leavers / intentionally btw / 4 dps and one healer low level comp and when you switch to tank, dps does its own thing.
Not everybody is exceptionally gifted and needs help from others to succeed, but, darling, you are entitled to believe the gamer agenda.

If you’re a good player then you will climb. Stop blaming you’re team and acting like a victim of trash matchmaking. Sure there are games where there are throwers and leavers but thats not the majoraty. Seagull puts it perfectly at the beginning of this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZUC0cdq1ME
“No, it’s because you’re trash.”
Btw I do agree that if you have a leaver you should not lose sr.

you then also agree that nobody on the leaver team should lose SR? Means nobody on the opposing team should gain any, right? So consequentially the match being cancelled whenever there is a leaver? Is that what you would agree to?

Trash signifies what? I am mentally disabled? A moron? Inferior? What does trash imply? Tell me, I am curious what Mr Seagull and you think I am .

That is not remotely what I said. The enemy team should still gain sr but maybe not as much, maybe like a locked 17 - 20. I retract my statement about you’re team not losing any sr, you’re team maybe shouldn’t not lose sr but maybe just not lose as much, maybe like 10.

Bad at the game, or well bad enough to be in whichever rank you are.