What on earth counters baptiste?

So far the only baptiste counter I can think of is sombra, but it seems like he has no other true hard counters

Focus fire counters him. Find him alone and he’s dead. Find him without his cooldowns and he’s dead.

He has pretty large head hitbox

Roadhog: Hook can pull Baptiste or his teammates out of Immortality Field. His ult will also knock enemies out of the field, and if used close to the generator, can kill it pretty quickly. Probably the hardest Baptiste counter in the game.

Wrecking Ball: Can roll through a team to knock them out of the field.

Winston: His gun will auto-target the field generator alongside any enemies within it. His ult will also let you knock pretty much the entire team out of a field.

Doomfist: His punch can still instakill if it knocks an enemy out of field and into a wall, or you can just use it to knock people out. Uppercut will also raise enemies out of the field’s area of effect.

Mei: Can use her wall to block field’s line of sight. Her ult is also good for taking care of anyone grouped up in a field.

Widow/Ashe: Baptiste has a big hitbox and his only mobility sends him upward in a predictable path, making him easy to snipe.

The running trend here is that knockback is the strongest way to deal with his field. Focus fire will destroy it pretty quick, but if your team can’t manage to focus then knockback will make it useless nonetheless.

If you happen to catch Baptiste alone, it’s pretty easy to destroy him in a 1v1. He has one of the largest hitboxes for a support character, his gun does almost as much damage, assuming all shots hit (and, considering the recoil, they probably won’t), as a Zen who isn’t using Discord, and his self-heal is a slow heal over time that doesn’t even restore his full health bar. Just about any DPS should be able to win a 1v1 against him, or at least force him to flee/waste his field.


Bullets, just like every hero in the game?


Daddy Torb for example. His giant turret makes me melt my core all over them. LUL

Are healers even supposed to have counters? There is flanking and diving for them.

Your attitude is about is useful as your advice.

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It’s true though. IF can be destroyed, and pretty quickly. It also has an enormously long cooldown. So if you have a sliver of awareness, you make the quick decision to either disengage or focus IF. It’s immobile, is up in the air and has 250 HP. It goes down quickly. Without IF, he’s just a healer.

True, he only has 6 hard counters, but he can easily be countered with tactics. Just because he’s rather fresh and people haven’t figured out exactly what those tactics are, doesn’t mean he’s OP.

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please name them, that’s literally the question in the post

Edit: Oh I’m level 3 on the forums now, I get to post links :open_mouth:

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Easy character with huge hitbox . Name something that can’t counter him ?

another baptiste XDddddd dee

Reaper. Reapers counters nothing, reaper is a joke

Cc counters baptiste’s lampost

Any one who can aim, his hit box is huge, his ‘Lamp’ is easy to shoot down fast.

Quite alot of things counter him to be honest, nearly every single hero that can flank well and hog can pull him out of his field.

Baptiste is a fkin cncer, makes me shoot goddamn lamps every 18 seconds instead of players. rot in hell. fu blizzard for flooding your game with even more cncer with every new hero you introduce!!!

U talk as if we didn’t have shields before