What support do you like to play as or play with?

I just want to hear your thoughts and opinions what you find fun to play as or with.
You can either just name the character or give a longer description as to why.

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I like playing with Ana because it makes it easy to tank diff the opposing tanks
I like playing with mercy so I get rezzed.
I like playing zen because I like watching tanks explode
I like playing bap because I like 1v1ing dps and denying ults

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I don’t mind playing with any supports but my favourites to play as are mercy and moira for the easy movement.

Lucio i can’t seem to wrap my head around on how to play properly, but he and brig are good to overtime payloads with (not my fave to play as though, i feel like i don’t heal well enough nor do enough damage as brig).

Zen was the second healer i ever really played as and i still really enjoy it. He’s quite the opposite when comparing with mercy, only focusing on the healing at times and mostly juggling the discord around.

I’m warming up to ana. My aim is terrible, but she’s satisfying to play.

And baptiste. Love him on my team, but can’t play him for the life of me. I feel like the healing is low, i can’t hit with his gun at all and i keep missing all my jumps. (I’m sprry bap, i do try but perhaps it’s not meant to be :sweat:)

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for me lucio started clicking when i swapped my keybinds around specifically for him.
like you can be extremely obnoxious like to me he’s extremely good, when you get down his movement and learn how to aim a little with his gun and learn to combo his boop into more shots, you kinda become terrifying ontop of just having that ultimate and being hard to kill.

i like baptiste too because he just has a lot to offer, i’m just bad with recognizing baps bad positioning and recognizing the danger levels to throw immortality fields out except for the very obvious ones for the moment, but i’m slowly picking him up.

brig i think is my best support in that i am the most consistent with her, it’s just that i don’t have much to save my teammates with from one-shots or insane ultimates.
but somehow my brain is so hardwired to always be aware where i am at with brig because that’s what gets me killed or makes me be able to kill.
but generally i chill out a lot more on brig because i can just play “protect the president” with any slow teammate and it’s generally quite relaxing when i want it to be.

i used to play mercy before i got into playing lucio a lot so i kinda swapped her out for lucio because mercy you have to swap between healing/dmg boosting and shooting
and choosing dmg boost/heal or shoot when using valkyrie which never felt good because if i start shooting i feel like i’m being extremely selfish when i do that, even though i do generally get a lot of things done and when i use damage boost or healing i don’t really feel like it helped my team at all.

as for zen, he’s my go to when i want the enemy tank to die or if the enemy is protecting their snipers too well from my lucio assassination attempts or if i have a vendetta, zen is just my pure malice mode.

weirdly i think ana is to me the most boring one and i think i’m too aggressive to be playing ana.

and moira, well i think she’s good, i just don’t like how she doesn’t have any oomph to her, like brig is “bink bomp bap” and lucio is “blapblapblap” and zen is “dingdingding” and baps is “ratatata” i know it’s a bit dumb but i do like her i just rarely get that feeling like i want to hear that slurping sound.

i tend to like to play aggressively as a support and if not that then i want to be able to defend someone from something.

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We are quite the opposites when it comes to playing supports then.
I’m just blind to good positioning as brig. I always play her too aggressively and end up dying.

I’m okay on lucio otherwise, but the movement is something i really need to practise more as i struggle to build up speed. With him i feel like i’m not aggressive enough as i just tend to stick with the team more.

And like you with brig, that’s me with mercy. I love to zoom across the battlefield to and fro, finish off an enemy with a whack to the head with the punch and maybe send 7 or so bullets off at a sniper. Any more than that and you risk a teammate dying. I can just turn my head off and relax, get absorbed into the flow of the game.
Moira is similar. I get that the satisfying clink of headshots isn’t there, but generally i don’t remember the last time i even launched a damage orb off. All my orb cooldowns go to healing my team or myself as i only use the primary heal in emergencies.

I feel like having one aggressive and one defensive support player in the same team would be quite a good combination.

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I play in gold/plat so I see Ana Mercy all the time. I love playing Ana, but I really don’t get the combo.

One day maybe it’ll click and I’ll figure it out lol

yeah usually there is always a more dedicated healer of one of the two.
but when i think about it i think it’s generally a little bit that i just don’t want to play a support that has to look a certain way to heal people constantly so i generally prefer the aoe healing in some form because i can be more focused on the main group and team movement and also be more in the know regarding the enemy team movement by actually being able to observe them better.

with ana, moira and mercy i get a bit of tunnelvisioning happening i think.

but usually there’s an ana that gets picked and i just default to protect mode.

That’s definitely something that brig is really good for. Defending the team’s ana or zen, sometimes even a sniper if needed.

We really do focus very differently. I tend to be an ult battery for flankers whenever i play anything but mercy, ana or moira XD

Any tips on lucio movement? For a sad lucio who barely knows how to skate around the nightmarket point?


Exactly why if my other support picks ana, I play brig. Never mercy.

So much better as a duo than ana mercy for so many reasons.

As for Lucio movement. I can hook you up with a GM Lucio main who’d be happy to give you some tips.

Mercy is a good pick to peel back to the ana, even maybe rez her if needed. With my brig skill (or lack of), i’d go for mercy as well, or zen.

Wouldn’t mind a few basic pointers, as long as they know they’re talking to less than gold lucio XD

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I’d still prefer Brig over having Res. Rally is way stronger than Valk. And it is always better to have one defensive ult available.

He coaches people of all skills. Add me and I’ll send him your way

Do you believe i’ve never added anyone through the forums before? How do i find a person’s battletag through their profile?

i’m trying to think what i prioritize when i play, i think it’s mostly about survival healing myself foremost and then others and then if i have the opportunity to kill and live, it’s just that you have to figure out when that is and how you can replicate that or recreate that scenario.

for brig a lot of the time you don’t have to be aggressive as in running in, the enemy will come to you and usually you have to just try to stay alive.
but also with brig, you just have to know your match-ups against certain characters and figured out what to do in each case, can you kill them, should you run, should you just hold out to stall for time.

lucios movement i don’t really know that well, i just basically binded right click to jump and some common things that people don’t think about when they are playing, and what’s the most effective ways to kill people with him outside of just booping people off cliffs.

so what people don’t tend to do is look up too much, if they are on high ground they are usually looking down on the people on the ground, and those on the ground usually are busy looking straight ahead, so the best place for lucio is either down on the ground behind his team protecting someone from being doved using his boops and speed/heal, but the best part is that you can most likely chase them down if they attempt to flee.

or be as high up as possible looking for an opportunity up on the ceilings and rooftops, so what i do is skate around really high and when i see a good opportunity i jump off and leap right down at them and when i’m just about to land i shoot because the closer i am the more i’m probably gonna hit and the less time they have to react, and when i land i boop them up so i get a couple of easy to follow up shots after to ensure the kill, after that i just flee wether i’m succesful or not, however sometimes you have dive partners and sometimes you just dive with them and help them get kills and getting in and out.

now you don’t have to always shoot and combo people to death always, it’s kinda difficult as enemies move and such, sometimes a good boop is all you need, like booping an enemy into your teams sightline or something of that nature. but you practically do the same thing, you riding high and dive down.

like even if you are high up you can still be with your team since your aoe is a cylinder, but remember the further you are away from the enemy the bigger and wider sightlines they are gonna have so they can see higher without needing to look up so they will spot you easier if they are far away.
now sure you can be on the ground spamming chokes like a hanzo, but without barriers you’re more likely to die to one-shots coming your way than you being able to get a kill doing that yourself.

however sometimes you can’t really be up skating high freely willy nilly, that’s when you’re movement with lucio gets tested, how good is your movement to avoid sightlines while riding high and catching them off-guard, but at that point you’ve done well for yourself because now you’re also a distraction and a threat to the enemy at all time and they have to look out for you or risk the consequences, but at that point you can relax a little and don’t have to kill as much, you just play around trying not to get shot at that point and look for opportunities to go in when they are distracted by something else.

but yeah, that’s pretty much my gameplan with lucio.


Click on my name and view profile. It will give you my tag and the number in the address bar.

I didn’t know the heal radius was a cylinder!
This sounds like i need to stop worrying about climbing so high, and figure out how to stay up there when i get there. Thanks

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no problem, but remember sightlines, if they got a good sniper that’s your first priority, that’s why we kill snipers first because they can and will kill you if they spot you almost regardless of distance, also they are probably the easier characters to kill for lucio when you get up close, lucio isn’t much of a ranged fighter.

I’ve eaten dirt (i call it that because the models tend to face plant after getting headshot) enough times to try my best to dodge XD
That’s why i bound crouch to my mouse (it has enough buttons for that)

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yeah, i mean it depends on the situation, if they are just looking your way and you’re behind cover you have 2 options. either bait the shot by showing your foot to trigger a shot or find a different angle to emerge from and maybe harrass her to throw a couple of shots her way so she gets uneasy so she doesn’t want to hold the angle so you can move about a bit to find a good route to her, or if possible back off and find an alternate route that’s less risky or that they wouldn’t expect.

as for being upclose and shooting, if they land a point blank shot that’s really just nothing you could have done more about it unfortunately, but it’s an extremely hard shot to make for them.

the more dangerous enemies as lucio to face i think is soldier76 or mccree as they don’t rely on 1 shot to kill you, they can just outpace your dps and self-healing really easily close up and they have an easier time just playing target practice on you from farther away.

I’m good at target practice, i get hit almost every time XD

But in all seriousness, thank you for the pointers.
The sightlines should be obvious but we all forget sometimes, especially when the rest of your team is standing in the choke…

Up close to a widow the crouching tactic can throw them off, but that only works when you’re on the ground.

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yeah, but i usually don’t stick around for long, i take that as a loss and flee if i don’t kill them quickly, i rarely stick around for that dodging showdown.
if they have quick supports that helps them there’s next to no winning that usually so i just stick to the leap down at them combo and hope they die from it.

if not i’ve just stressed them out a bit and pissed them off which puts a target on my head which is fine because i’m probably harder to hit than anyone else on my team.

but yeah crouching works sometimes, but just A-D strafing is usually fine, but it’s a lot of risk trying to dodge shots that way, i try not to bet on doing stuff like that, out of sight out of mind is better.