Who do you main as dps , tank and healer and why?

For me it’s symmetra for DPS because her play style is very unique and fits my weird brain

Moira because i like The piss spray, I don’t like boring pinpoint aiming, I like more interesting positioning and creative plays

Tank I really don’t have a fav, but I guess I can either do Zarya or Orissa.
I would like to be good at wrecking ball but he’s too high skill requirement to control

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I mainly play all support, and so Off-Tanks

I like playing support and focus to keep my teammates alive and keep myself alive as well, I enjoy play tanks as well …it’s like i’m the one who should carry there to win the fights and i like tanks cause they got high HP haha ^^ that’s why i feel like i could do many stuff in one fight cause my health

I main a real spread. Mostly a healer main - Ana, Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta, Brigitte (not really anymore) and probably Baptiste. The only one I don’t main is Lucio. Sometimes play Orisa and Winston, also sometimes Sombra and Tracer but yeah main loads of heroes (non healers i only really play QP)

Mercy, cause I can’t aim.
Winston, cause I can’t aim.
Mei, cause, you guessed it, I can’t aim.


All three. Because I wanna be speshul.

On the other hand there are characters I simply refuse to play. Reinhardt/Mercy because they are too simple. Widowmaker becasue I hate snipers. Tracer/Genji/Doomfist and the like because I don’t have the mentality.

I recently start playing Ashe just cause i want to play Bob.
He is a good boy :heartpulse::robot:

Long time Lucio main, because he has an innate ability that encourages the team to group up instead of doing the classic of flanking - dying - blaming the healers for not healing them while they were on a wide flank.
Liked D.Va because you can set the pace of the game with her - you dive, you protect, you have to make the best use of a large number of abilities that all have crucial cooldowns.
With DPS I like Soldier. My tracking is good, my cooldown usage and positioning is good by virtue of me playing a lot of off tanks and supports, so I can use his stuff. Most other DPS are not so much about learning them but getting used to them - you don’t learn how quickly you fire as Widow or Hanzo or McCree or Pharah, you play them for a bit, you find the rhythm and that’s it. Played Pharah for a few games in a row one time, it was kinda fun to get in the rhythm and get a lot of elims, but yeah… anyone can do that.

I play a lotta Rein because I really like being a tanky boi who can just pop up a 2000 hp shield at any time. Also his ultimate is so damn good,as well as his other abilities.

I also play Zarya because she can not only protect her mates from damage, but also becoming a big a$$ damage tank in the process.

Junkrat because he is fun. Rein to help out a solo Zarya.
And Moira to do it all. But mostly to send Genji home crying :smiley:

DPS: Widow, Mccree, Ashe, Genji, Doomfist.
Support: Ana, Zen and soon Baptiste.
Tank: Rein, Zarya, D.va. ResidentSleeper

I main Genji because he is awesome and has a high skill floor. I flex though because my teams are stupid and need someone to go tank or healer.

Main: Tracer, Ashe, Widow, Sombra, Soldier.
Secondary: Mccree, Hanzo, D.Va, Roadhog, Zarya, Ana, Zen, (possibly Baptiste soon).
Can flex to most other heroes, except Genji & Doomfist.

Reason: I simply play what i find the most fun, but try to be flexible :slight_smile:

Tank: Winston, I love to go in and be able to save my healers from flankers
dps: tracer, I love the fast movement and being able to dodge thinks
healer: lucio, why not?

Healer: Main Ana, Secondary Zen

Tank: Main Roadhog, Secondary Rein.

Dps: I don’t play that thing. If I can help it.

Tank: Rein, Orisa
Healer: Ana, Moira
DPS: What’s that? Oh, the role team already has 4-5 of, usually instalocked?

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Always instalock a dps. It would be stupid not to.

Flex main.

Because I like being flexible.

As dps, really any works for me. I like to play Widow/McCree the most, but I don’t oppose playing Pharah, Genji, Torb. The ones I don’t like/enjoy playing as much as others, is Symmetra and Doomfist. I just don’t understand their kit.

Tank, really any works for me. Just haven’t learned Hammonds kit properly, but otherwise I can play each to some level. Zarya is my love and the reason I started playing tank in the first place.

Support, really any that is required, but I prefer Ana/Zen/Lucio. If I miss my shots as Ana, or I notice my heals aren’t enough, I’ll switch to Moira. I tend to refuse play Mercy and Brigette, but if it’s necessary, I play those heroes.

This season I’m mainly playing Support as tanking isn’t fun with stuns and boops. As Support, I can stay a bit further away from them.

Doomfist. Loved his high skill floor since his release.

DPS: Phara only (long) flying character, frags are similar to Q3 rocket launcher, you need to shoot to where you think your enemy will be going to

Healer: Mercy, good mobility and unique gameplay, healing/damage stream allows you to change position on a way you cannot with other chars. With mercy you can really make a difference in your game because there are tons of bad healers in low brackets. As a healer you will find more friends than with any other classes.

Tank: Orisa, nice little bunker character with possibilities to do additional damage while protecting the team, take down phara, sucker down enemies into holes.