Why are people playing Moira?

Why do people play moira, she is literally the worst hero in the game… I am diamond on support and tank, but stuck in gold as dps because of moira players and other people like that.
Take for example my last game, I had 40 kills and 21k dmg. I cannot possibly do more.
Keep in mind I did all that without even a single bit of heals other than from healthpacks.
Please tell me what I can do.

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Sadly people don’t think about the comp they are running.

Like lower Rein Zarya is the most common tank line… Yet people think playing a Mercy with that is a good idea.

Play like that every single match, and you will climb.

You don’t climb by playing well every 3rd match, you climb by consistently outplaying your opponent role. Every single match.

Until grandmaster Moira is alright. The best ana player in the world plays Moira in GM. What’s your problem with her? Moira is easy, can heal a lot with Ana another healer and especially if you are stacked, can contribute by finishing someone.

If you lost a matchup then it has been a whole team problem. Not only Moiras. If the player does not heal you, he/she won’t heal you with Ana, Mercy, and what’s so ever. Please learn to deduct and think before you post.

And last but not least, why I play Moira - because she is literally cool. I love her personality. Her toolkit is awesome, and she can kite more than any healer in the point while healing.


I do play like that every game tho ??? That was my whole point here.

If you are putting those numbers in and not climbing it suggests 1 of 2 things (really only 1 thing)

  1. the whole thing is bugged (this isn’t the case)
  2. you are not actually doing that, you just remember the games you play well and forget the bad games. (this is the true one)

The as humans we are inconsistant. Peaking and troughing with out performances.

The higher ranked you are the more consistently you peak. The lower, the more consistently you trough.

And the players like me, in the middle… go up and down like a damn yo yo and that is why we win a few then lose a few all the time.

But if you are below 3k and can peak, and put in those numbers, more consistently than you trough… then you will gain more in victory than you lose in defeat.

You get 40 kills and 21k damage every single game?

moira isnt a bad pick in rush. she is far from the worst hero in the game and the support line up is pretty good right now.
she isnt a throw pick.


But this would require support players to adjust to what their tanks are playing.

Or the other way round.

This doesn’t happen low ranks. People will just play random things, then when they win think they picked the right comp.

it honestly doesnt dude. she has comparable hps output to ana so midfight healing output doesnt really change for the tanks. her weaknesses come into play when you are thinking about ranged heal for dps that arent in the brawl with you but then the dps should be expecting less heals due to the fact you are running moira. once you get to a rank where ana’s utility is used more proactively then moira looks a lot weaker but again, shes still not bad. hell, you can run zen lucio if you really wanted to. the healer line up is in a really good spot right now. id argue that mercy is the weakest atm but ive seen her have some solid impact too.

That is nice. But that is the low rank mentality… Just looking at the heals…

You are a support, not a healer. So what support can you give your tanks… If you are playing Moira, you are exceptionally useful in a rush brawl. The healing orb, or damage orb as your team zooms in is lovely.

Outside of that comp… other supports offer a better utility to help your tanks, and deal with theirs.

This is why Brig Ana is quite strong in and against more dive based comps.

And Bap Brig is exceptionally good in a double shield comp.

tl;dr - stop being heal bots. consider your utility in the comp you are playing. If you can’t play a more useful hero, that is fine (we all have our limits), but then you need to ask your team to adjust to cater to your needs.

and its being applied to a low ranked game.

edit: this comment may have been misdirected at you. it might have been someone esle that said this, if so then my bad.
why are you suddenly talking about utility when you claimed that neither tanks nor supports are good enough at the game to adapt to a different healer? if you cant play with a moira do you really think you or the healer is good enough to take advantage of the utility another support would bring? most plat anas use nade to get the same effect as heal orb and when nade is used offensively it is beacuse the fight is already won and therefore is no longer needed for healing.

people are running double shield in plat? orisa sig, rein sig or orisa rein? either way bap is an objectively better pick, sure, but brig? stun is nice but mcree is kinda meta right now. her healing output is fine but baps got that covered anyway. rally is not getting any value in plat, i can tell you that for a fact.
the difference really isnt as big as you seem to think it is.

youre joking, right? youre telling someone who smurfs in mid/high masters to not be a heal bot?
I’m telling you how it is, you are focusing on something you consider to be a weakness within the team instead of working on your own gameplay. if a tank, arguably the most impactful role, needs support utility to win in plat then there are bigger issues to be looking at.
op claims he went and got 40 elims and 21k damage but doesnt realise how little means. ive gone 71 and 12 and lost because half my kills were either stalling lost fights or just at pointless times (during a regroup ect).
come to think of it, why does he think a moira is the issue if they lost after getting 40 elims? I cant see the logic there.

bro my old account that got banned was high diamond on dps, wdym im bad?

Well if you were good at the game, you would have got higher than diamond, and wouldn’t of got banned… lol

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bit overdramatic.

Can moira 1 shot people ? or counter every ult of the enemy throws at you?
You have a bad opinion about Moira and that is just an opinion not a literally fact.

It’s sad if you put much effort with the 40 kills and 21k damage…that is a good thing but you still need your teammates to also do their job and if they don’t you could still loose.

Always keep in mind, if you did all you could and you did a good job , be proud … be happy you could pull it of .
You have less to none input on others so try to let that go
(unless throwers or leaver or cheaters …report them)


it was at the time. its not anymore. shes awful.
btw, this is 3 months old, we are on a different patch.

My personal record is diamond with Moira, and I’m a “healing” Moira.
But Moira is brilliant as a support for both dps and healing.
She can easily make life hard for Genji, Sigma, Reinhardt and other squishies like Mercy and Zenyata. She can swiftly follow up low HP enemies that manages to escape from dps etc.

But yes, a lot of Moira players tend to get stuck on dps and not prioritising heals, which is wrong and it will make the team struggle.

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I’d say that it’s also about which map you are playing. On some maps, her orbs are priceless if used right. But on some maps it’s very hard to heal the team, and a different support class should perhaps be chosen.

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why did you get banned?
i smell salt…

I agree totally with all that you are writing Nou. I find Moira very powerful on maps where your team is moving in smaller spaces. The challenge comes when you have a Pharah, Genji, Echo or Junkrat that are jumping/flying all over the place.

But as dps, they should realise the situation like you said, and come to Moira when healing is needed. But sure, in some cases and setups, Moira should change to Ana or Mercy imo.

But honestly, If the orbs are used in an effective way and the team takes a lot of damage, Moira can easily top healing and be the most contributing healer for the team.