Why do people hate GOATs so much?

Goats comp are comps that have no skill behind it.

It’s literally min-maxing healing and tanking.
3 healers can heal more than 2 and 3 tanks can soak more damage than 2.

There’s no aim, accuracy, etc. involved.
It’s simply waiting for the opportunity and seize it via more resources.

It will take forever to list every reason why i hate gaots but ill do a short take on that team.

Like pro players have noticed after gaots got in to the game Korean teams have actually stop wining every Esport event tanks to the lack to the high skill cap pick’s in that team. So my main reason to hate goats is because they are just non-skilled in all aspects, a drooling team comp that runs cycles cd and hold M1 and wipes teams with Overpowered ults like Shatter and Grave wile stopping the other teams ult with Sound wave and Trance. So with their cds you can’t kill them in a non ult fight (rine shield, Zarya bubbles, D.va def matrix, Brig stun, Lucio boops) and with their ults you cant win an ult fight because they have yet again the best ult in the game that don’t even need a set up to wipe the other team or save your team (Shatter, Grave win most if not every team fight, Sound wave and Trance will most of the time save your team, Brig ult will win every brawl) and whats worse is if goats fits Sombra in the team for the 4th best ult in the game behind shatter grave and soundwave… On top of that thanks to picks like Brig Rein Lucio and Zarya they just have the best Brawl power in the game without ults but to have the best ults in the game on top of that is just mental. That sounds fair just mirror them has been my last effing year of Overwatch… And that was 90% Espors this year as well…

Goats just cucks all the fun in the game and is the reason this game is getting killed… If only that team comp just took some skill just a little bit of it will be ok, but noo they have to be a mix of the easiest champs to play next to Mercy… For the love of god i despise that team comp, for the skills players use by playing that team comp they need to be in the lowest rank not in the highest… And that’s why this game is dead.

Blizzard just stopped respecting skill in their games.
Dive meta close to 0 skill but it still took something to play.
Quad tank meta actually 0 skill needed.
Goats meta negative - skill needed.
Learn from your mistakes blizzard or is activision butting in to much?

Because it’s not a skillbased comp.
It evolves around soaking and healing resource superiority.

because it is very hard to play and require a teamplay based around the main tank … there is no place for kikoolol dps that’s why

lol it requires the most skills … Did you watch OWL ?

It doesn’t.
The only skill based hero ( when used ) would be ana.

The rest is just relying on a massive hitbox for damage output.

Just because the "top tier"players are using it as it provides the highest defense and healing doesn’t mean it’s the hardest to play.

Like I said, it’s about waiting until you seize the moment via resource superiority.

yes you don’t have to knwo exactely how to be positionned, you don’t have to have an insane follow with zarya to kill lucio, you don,'t have to be a very good dva to eat graviton and nades.
You don’t have to be very precise with zenyatta
you don’t have to be an insane lucio to boop the rein and isolate him into your mates…
That 's why all teams are tied up … oup that s not the case…

It is not because you like to play dps and identify as for exemple pine on mccree that goat is not for skilled player.

All heroes are skill based, using unbalanced traits to win is not skill (doomf*ck for example or mc cree stun… )

shatter overpowered ult … lol

It’s not that they hate it to play, it’s unfun to watch with OWL. and for you not playing it, people aren’t disiplined enough to play it.

That’s subjective tho, I don’t always enjoy watching goats but some games are really close and interesting to watch. That being said I do agree the comp has overstayed its welcome and I’m hoping to see more changes for next stage.

And yes, barely anyone plays goats in ranked outside of gm/master because even in high ranks people often lack coordination to pull it. If it was as skill-less and easy as people make it out to be then everyone across all ranks would be playing it. It’s just another comp that some people target to avoid facing their own lack of skill in general.


I like goats… They’re nice animals.

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I actually enjoy seeing a team full of tanks and healers. Especially nowadays when everyone just insta-locks DPS heroes on the first round, then realise by round two that they need some tanks.


You cant get any lower than that though. Reinhardt and Zarya are 2 of the easiest tanks to run together, throw in a D.Va/Winston to deal with the widow, Brigitte + Lucio for the AoE heals and an Ana who has mostly big targets to heal. The only reason its not seen as much nowadays is because, surprise surprise, it got nerfed many times over. And needs to be nerfed much much more.