Why is it so easy to lose rank, but not gain rank?

yeah… captain obvious… do you also note that competitive rank, is collective punishment? and the rank is not at all tied to your individual performance?

do captain obvious also acknowledge that this collective punishment rank system leads too a 1000% more toxic environment/community?

Um, why didn’t u reply in 2019 lol

im never here tbh… and somehow my other topic got banned for “trolling”?
i think people started to cry, said i was “talking about you”…
like they wanted to missunderstood.

In reality i was talking about the random people that are in my games and trowing/playing bad, and that i gets punished collectivly for their sub par skills.

with a rank system that was based on personal skills, instead of a collective punishment,
there would simply be no reason for me or anyone else, to be “toxic” or to try to be nice at the same time you give other players unwanted tips regarding what hero they should play… etc etc etc.

there would simply be no tensions or snarkky comments on teammates performance… only pew pew.

yeah… you never played team games before??

i have.
but only blizzard games incorporate this tyranical dictatorship moral of applying collective punishment.
atleast they are alone in extending it as a hard core value in their rank system…

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Make a better team that doesn’t lose so often then?

in which other team game can you lose games and have no attribute about it thats sticks with your personal record?

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I remember doing 3 pretty hard wins to get X amount of rank, and then I lost the entire gain + 25% additional gain after one loss which is just nonsense :man_shrugging:

I wish they would implement a rule against necroposting.

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Or just enforce the ones they already have…

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Then youd be long gone.

yeah… rank is exponetial decay… its both mathematical and social mix that produce this outcome

What are you talking about? Other games?
uhm… lets talk about ow first… and that the “personal record” aka. rank in ow is not personal at all.
just a small % of the seasonal rank is an adjusted tribute on personal skill level.

Doubt it. I’m not the one making things up about “exponential decay” in an attempt to deflect from bad games.

I’m talking about this:

So answer the question pls.

mind to elaborate how my account is not personal to me?
Again, its a team game, so you contribute only 1/6 but still that a share of your personal performance that over a large number of games decides if you are silver, gold, GM or whatever.

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Yeah, the game is literally designed in a way where you take 3 steps forwards and 1 loss takes you 4 steps back. It’s a fundamentally broken design that makes people have depressing emotions toward the game as a whole.

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It really doesn’t

But a small number of people seem to think that.

The system is simple and relatively effective. The cream always rises to the top, and the dirt always sinks to the bottom.

It’s really doesn’t work as well as you think it is because it’s a team-based game so your rank is actually your performance + your team performance and regardless of how good is a single individual he will be stuck below his actual rank for ages or never go anywhere unless he can singlehandedly outperform the majority of the enemy team to cover for incompetent teammates.

The only way to bypass this is to play comp with a full premade team of people on the +/- same skill level and anyone who is solo Q is doomed to be trapped on the bottom or at least way below his actual rank.

I’ve experienced this nonsense many times by doing solo tank Q and getting dumped into Bronze even tho I am a Plat player and on a good day can easily compete with Diamond.

To sum up, this ranking system works for premade and utterly punishes solo Q players.

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The team bit is the 25 +/-.

Rest is your performance. The speed at which you climb or drop is down to you and how you play.

Actually, you are punished more for being in groups. As groups tend to have wider rangers and that is factored into the adjustments.

If you solo and pop off consistently, you will climb faster.

It’s because Bronze is like a black hole. Once you’re in, you ain’t ever coming out.

If you mean losing rank then sure you can tank all your games and lose rank as fast as you like.
Winning and ranking up are completely different. By default, every player puts in 16.66% so even if we count performance fluctuation you would still need to singlehandedly carry at least two additional teammates and then outperform half of the enemy team which is only possible for actually good players. The average player even with decent skill still gonna get dragged by bad teammates.

How fast you rank up is utterly dependant on the rest of the team and if you keep losing in RNG roulette you are screwed which is easily visible in solo Q and people being stuck in the bottom ranks.

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It really isn’t. But that is the myth people follow.