Why is mid master such a joke ?

80% of games are either trolls or 3-4-5 dps.

No tanks or no supp most of the time.

I thought the higher the level, the more serious and consistent games would be.


in that case i dont mind staying in gold plat

It should get a bit better at high rank, but i believe you’ll need about mid GM at least.
You still get people like that at every rank, so you will never get rid of them.

With that said, 3-4 dps can be a viable strat on some maps. It’s even been seen in OWL.

Having accounts from gold to gm for my games usually the lower ones have better comps. The difference is mostly that in higher games people actually know how to play heroes and dont just pick heroes they never played before because its a good comp then.

Pretty much difference between having moira and ana 24/7 pocketing a feeding rein and road and having a mercy who can heal everyone while hammond/road get value on their own

easy to beat then, no? Or is it always just your team which suffers that much?

U sure? My games are pretty consistent given that i mostly play tank or support

but anyway, having a completely broken comp is rather rare isnt it?

most people switch if it doesnt work at least in my experience

had games where we changed both tanks like 3 times and won

don’t forget about the new stream of hackers :confused:

All tanks and Sups left behind in Gold/Plat and get more tilted by the dps there from day to day.

winning is getting harder in higher ranks you say? Who knew…

Same here, there are to many trolls at that rank. Last season i was tryharding and reached masters and then kept meeting trolls and dropped very hard.