Why random hero bans is not the way

so we finaly had widow banned for 1 week giveing us awsome games. no worrying about playing around a hero that only aim and nothing else. Now that blizzard keeps the 2-2-2 you should give the players 2 bans on both teams insted. in the map pool we have now, widow is so strong and it gets down to who has the better widow and it is the only thing that matters (on the maps we have in this pool) with all the long open space maps. when you play agaisnt a widow on a good day you feel helpless even if you full conuter her if she hits her shots it does not matter. this is why we need to be able to ban heroes players selected. this has 0 down sides. if you have 2 widow mains they both get the hero they want or they do both not get the hero they want makeing it fair for all. Now that blizzard gave 2-2-2 to the 1-tricks, that is the only reason we have 2-2-2. blizzard can atleast give that players that make the game playable, game decided bans.

why give the few players that did not flex, more rights then the players that did flex for the sake of the team?

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yeah .no . we are already suffering due to hero pools and now you want hero bans . why not ban the whole community for playing the game ?


what a usefull respond. next time read befor reply

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find a teammate who is good at widow.
there alls is someone whos a good widow.
all im saying widow is not a problem.

Hero pool is totally garbage and destroying funny games.

It has to be delete immediately.


no widow is not the problem but she forces boring games

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the only thing boring abut widow is her sniper and the spray that you need to get a kill on air. tell me what forces boring games?.

simpely you have to play out of line of sight of her all the time or take a long flank to get her… this is ofc on GM lvl. can’t say if she forces boring game play. and last what i say is what do ppl think of game desided bans or do ppl rater want this random dodo?

she has a weakness ya know this game has counters?.
are you gonna say counters are boring?.
widow is not a problem. winston genji get her fast. hell counter sniper her even.
yes ppl want this random dodo it was long ask. in the old forum this i think? add hero lock bans. and they did!.

dva also gets her very easily and sombra too if you can hack widow .she is sitting duck

Making a ban phase would be awful. It takes too long, people leave if their pick get banned, etc.
Also, who gets to decide who to ban? Competitive is playing with randos. How they decide what to ban?

What rights are you talking about?

blizzard can either make 2-2-2 and make 1 tricks happy or they can reward players that play all roles. 1 tricks will be happy because it will not be many dps but players that like to play diffrend roles will not be happy beause they have to wait for a long time to play what they want… so many players left after 2-2-2 it is so bad that they make ranked like it was in the old days :smiley: in a patch to come.

He mentioned that he is talking about gm level. In gm you cant just yeet in as d.va or Winston and kill the Widow.

pools and bans don’t really work with the heroes available.

bans in ranked is just a bad idea.

on the pro scene (OWL/Contenders and so on), fine. but not in ranked.