Will Pocket Heal for Friends


Are you tired of not getting healed?
Cranky because you always play with toxic ragebabies with no sense of humor?
Just wishing Ana would nano you for once as Genji?
Maybe you’re a McCree dreaming of a sick POTG that isn’t your ult?
Or a misunderstood Widow or Pharah main who would give a pocket Mercy the shirt off their back?

Look no further! Friend, you’ve come to the right place. :wink:

I’m Ele. I love playing healer. Don’t ask me why, it just makes me happy to help, pocket and see people succeed. I play all healers pretty decently, aside from Brig that just doesn’t fit my style. But for a good friend, I’ll go any healer and try my hardest. Sometimes if I feel particularly adventurous I can flex to D.Va, Widow, Orisa and Soldier. But trust me, healing is where I thrive. :wink:

What game modes do I prefer, you ask? Any and all. I usually enjoy a spot of QP, and in comp my plan is to break back into plat. If not, that’s fine too. With me, having fun and positivity is number one priority!

What’s the catch? No catch here!, although if I had to name one preference then, generally speaking, I’d like people lower than gold, gold, or platinum. If you’re higher I would be trash tier to you anyway. :smiley:

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Glad to be of service lmao :smiley:

Why is the title such a mood though XD

(I would add you but I doubt you have much interest in pocketing a tryhard healer main.)

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Is it ok if I add you even I’m a support main too?

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Hi there! You can absolutely still add me! Lots of healers have been adding me, and that’s totally fine since that forces me to practice tank. :wink: so feel free! I was just about to post saying I’ve received loads of nice messages on Discord and have had a blast playing with a few peeps and am still looking for positive, fun-loving peeps! Plus we can always heal duo depending on the team comp!

Same answer for you D3ltafl3x!

The only thing is, I don’t want people from super high ranks, it’ll be awkward for me and for them.

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Added you on discord and can play most tanks. My sr is nearly the same as yours :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I think I know who you are! :smiley:

Side request: if you do add me on discord, please let me know asap who you are because otherwise I get mixed up with peopl :smiley:

I added you Ele , dude with blue mohawk :wink:

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Hi! Still looking for some new people to play with? I mainly like to play Pharah and other dps but I like playing Ana and Moira as well as flexing to whatever we need. I added you on discord. Hope we can click and have fun!

I’m still looking! :smiley: With Apex Legends out there’s fewer peeps to play with :confused:

So you telling me…I get to have a healer all to myself?? :open_mouth:

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Hello Elernia !

I’m part of a small discord server : The Omnics : we have a coe of really good friends playing together almost every day, and I’m sure a healer specialist would be widely appreciated in our ranks :wink: You will find here people of every rank, so I’m sure you will feel home here !

We also play Apex often ! so don’t hesitate to ask for players :smiley:

Here is the link : h ttps://discord.gg/5gBkvQ Everyone is of course invited as long as you stay mature and chill !

I hope to see you soon ! :smiley:

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True story!
… Almost. Hehe, still gonna make sure the team wins :slight_smile:

@ShadowStep could you relink your discord? :slight_smile:

Here is the link : discord.gg/FaYwQ4 (add “https://” before can’t post links here)

If it’s not working, maybe just add me ingame :slight_smile: ShadowStep#21253

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Also, guys, bumping this up! I’m looking for dps and tanks to pocket in Season 15 competitive GOLD TIER (Silver and LOW plat is fine too, I’m trying to get back to plat)! If you want guaranteed, committed heals, non toxic environment and voice chat, hit me up. :smiley: Like I said, my Discord is: Elernia#9893 Let’s git gud together!

Hi! I’m looking to find a team to play competitive. I’m currently not placed in the new season but I finished last season at 2165 and my season high was 2498. I play all healers and I can play Dva or Rein for tanks. Not looking to take on a dps role. Maybe we can climb the ranks together sometime. My battle tag is Derp#12589 :slight_smile:

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Hi Derp! I’m almost done with placements. :slight_smile: Looks like we play around the same tier. I’ll add ya.

Tired of not getting covered by your offheal? Look no further!

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I’m not so much tired of Ana not nano boosting me as Genji, rather I’m tired of our Genji jumping around too much to allow me to heal the bugger, all while he’s spamming “I need healing”.

Hi Elernia, i stopped playing overwatch 6 months ago because i didnt have anyone to play with anymore. Now i want to give it another try :slight_smile: i was off tank main in low plat once but i also really like to play dps (around silver/gold). But i can play support too if needed. Im sure you got tons of requests already, but if youre still looking for mates i would be in too. I added you in discord already (SchneckenhausJoe#3607) cya hopefully :smiley: