Zenyatte is a troll pick

i dont understand why people pick him he is pretty much useless as a healer until his ult is charged and that takes a while if you have a zen on your team now its almost like there is no healing what is goin on with him

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Doomfist happened to Zen. Zen has never been a main healer though.
But i agree when you get Zen and Ana for heals you will not be getting heals at all.

hahahaha i just dont like having him around literally loose if we have him now

Or maybe you just have bad zens? He heals 30hps, so best used for healers and dps, paired with baptiste, moira or ana for healing tanks/overall.

his discord and trans are two powerful tools in a fight


Yeah, playing Zen for quite some time feels just silly. I feel like I’m not doing that much anymore. 1000 shields everywhere also contribute to this as it’s the shields you’re shooting at now most of the time nowadays.

His discord orb is very game changing and used well he can be helpful. He is a support. Not really a healer but can heal.

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Who’s Zenyatte ? shrug


exactly i hope they do something to this hero so he can be a great healer not just dps with heal

If Zen is played right now it’s mostly because of the meta, at least in high ranks you usually play Bap/Zen so you can dish out a lot of damage. Plus Trans is really strong especially against Mei ult.

It sounds silly but you don’t need to heal as much when the enemy team is dead and usually you rely on Bap for most of the healing since your team will be grouped for nades and lamp.


If you’re not getting healed it’s almost always your fault.


He’s not a main healer nor is he a dps with heal. You pick zen for mobility based heros such as df, tracer and genji for easier healing at range, for trans as a defensive counter ult, and discord for 25% damage boost.

He’s already a great healer, you appear to be using him wrong, or have bad zens


Considering how Moira is played a lot, Zen isn’t that bad, because Moira can compensate for the raw healing. Zen’s problem is that discording doesn’t help in the shield meta and his healing mostly benefits flankers that are also not in the meta. In and of itself, his kit is insanely powerful though.

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Before double shield and DF became meta, Zenyatta was the carry support. If you could play him well, you could carry a match; which was not true for other supports at that time. His healing output is mediocre, but his orbs can dish out a lot of damage, which means he will have his ult faster.

Discord orb is also pretty strong, it effectively does 30% instant damage on any hero, if your teammates actually shoot at him (30% more damage taken is equivalent to having 30% less health). Zen even got nerfed because JJonak was so good with him.

Double shield and DF make it really difficult for him to get value. He was basically a throw pick with the last patch, now that shields are nerfed somewhat, he has become somewhat useful again. Still, he is overshadowed by Bap, who just has way better mobility and decent damage output, his lamp is also really strong.

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I would argue that Zenyatta is in a really good place right now. The issue is Zen is meta in the higher elo’s but this is because there is a lot more team play than in plat for example. Zen has a really powerful ultimate and in a game where poke damage is meta right now with Hanzo, Pharah, Junk and shields being so weak discord orb is very strong allowing someone like Orisa to be bursted down if she’s not aware of her shield. However he is paired with Baptiste who has the best sustain in the game with his AoE healing at 60 healing per nade and Immortality field being insanely strong and used because shield are so weak. However I would say to use supports with more healing at lower elos but it’s better to learn to flex between Main Supports and Flex Supports,

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i dont personaLLY PLAY him but whenever anybody puts green orb on me or a teamm8 we get melted cause it just isnt enough for a good support

He’s an off support, the healing is mainly aimed at helping give you an edge in a 1v1 or be self sufficient for a little while.

30hps isn’t enough vs sustained or burst for long however

Zenyatte is the evil twin brother of Zenyatta, who was locked in the attic and had to survive off of fish heads.

What are you talking about? Zen is perfect to heal highly mobile targets like Genji, Hanzo, and Tracer, and even help out with highly mobile tanks like Winston, Dva or Wrecking Ball.

what are you talking about even if the person playing him does use the green orb it heals a bit slowly just get destroyed as it makes you more of a target

Are you familiar with the word ‘offset’?

Well, Zenyatta doesn’t heal as much because his damage output and discord orbs offset his healing stats.

For example, when I play Zen, I might heal (in total) around 60% of what Moira heals, however, I also, usually, do a simliar amount of damage as heals.

Therefore 10k healing + 10k dps is a total offset of 20k. It means that the enemy team has to heal that extra 10k in fights and, therefore, it offsets how much Zen needs to heal.

Also, when you add the fact that Zen can throw an orb on you and reduce your effective HP, then it is silly to suggest he is a throw pick.

The actual problem is perception. Because Zen doesn’t get gold heals nor gold damage… and the fact that people don’t seem to care about or register the offensive/defensive assist stats, people don’t really see his effect in a tangible manner.

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