Hatchery fortress

Seriously why zerg don’t have such op easymod static defense like terran and protoss do.
You can build planetary fortress and 4 missile turrets around it, one siege tank behind and will cost zerg like million minerals and gas to destroy it(like baneling bust) until tier 3 technologies(upgraded lurkers, broodlords).
As protoss you build 10 photon cannons and some shield batteries around with battery overcharge.
You can’t place dozen crawlers around your hatcheries cause voidrays and tanks will still destroy it.
So you have to split your army and always watch the mini map in case of attack.
Also why zerg don’t have retarded F2 lategame units like thors, battlecruisers, carriers. This mofos attack air and ground and if you max out with them you won’t be in a really bad situation, like if you are maxed with corruptors and broodlords.
You can rely on vipers and infestors, they are really helpful, but still one little mistake and protoss carrier deathball will destroy everything.
To beat skytoss you must be 10 times better than these skytoss players.
Every of those F2 boys really enjoy this. Like voidrays go brrrrr xDDDD
They play easiest unit composition of this game and have thoughts like “Hmm i am real pro gamer. Cuz i know the meta and pick the most popular and easiest way to win. I am so good. What? Retarded strategy? Cry more loser. I WON. IT MEANS I AM BETTER”
This is not what Starcraft should be.
You can play tetris or pinball with such efforts you put in to win.

It also costs a lot of time to build it.

Why zerg doesnt have it? Becoz this is how the game works. Races have differences. It’s fine, git gud.

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You are right like fortress can’t shoot air. What a absurd question.