Swann only mech oriented prestige

Hello everyone as tittle say i propose to merge swann first prestige and second prestige to create one stationary prestige with similiar values :slight_smile: and that will make place for swann p2 mech oriented prestige which will contain tandem passive ability it will trigger when thor is near goliath or hellbat it could give 15% attack speed for them and will calculate average movement speed of those three mechs type to speed up slowest unit(THOR) and slow simultaneously faster units(GOLIATHS and HELLBATS) of course goliaths in this prestige could receive access to immortality protocol and thors receive passive ability detector(Still have immortality protocol).Disadvantage’s are swann cannot build starport.Why i think swann need mech oriented prestige ?3prestige is heavy micro and is mainly tank oriented co’s there’s no place for other tactics because tank herc combo is so powerfull compared to other’s.Mine proposition is easy to create and will bring some fresh air for swann gameplay.


I approve. This seems lika a good idea, and i would love to see it in game