Tyrador Decals not available to purchase


I’m currently mid way into WarChest 6 to build my Terran Tyrador set and I have also bought today the WarChest 5 Tyrador units skins. So with those combined i have Tyrador units and buildings, but unfortunately the Tyrador Chees Piece Decals is locked. I would really like to be able to purchase that to have the set complete. I feel like that suits the skins best as well. What can i do to get that ?


You can only wait until it’s available to be purchased. For now you can’t get it.

I understand that, but given that the Tyrador set is part of Warchest 6, not having the set’s decals in it is making it incomplete. Its like adding a Diablo 3 set , but one item for the set could have been found only 1 year ago but not anymore, rendering it forever incomplete. Maybe with the next patch they can make this as part of the Warchest 6? On just enable that for purchase, that is fine as well, but I haven’t seen any other decals for sale (maybe I’m wrong).