WorldEditor in EN + latest upgrades


I am working on customing maps / creating new maps with the editor.

I have 2 problems:

  • Even though the editor itself and blizzard language are configured in english, the texts (like item description in the object editor) are in FRENCH -> How may I switch to EN?
  • Many “upgrades/updates” are not in. Few example: orc shop don’t contain mana clarity potion, tavern only has 5 heroes, orc tauren walkers are built in the spirit lodge (instead of tauren totem now), driads suffer from magic attacks , etc etc -> this seems to be one of the early version of War3 in terms of mechanics and rules… How can I change it to the latest?

Hope my queries are clear, thanks for the help!

Sounds like you may need to submit this as a bug on the Bug Report forum here: Bug Report - Warcraft III: Reforged Forums

Perhaps someone else has also reported it there and you can add your voice to their topic.