🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Flying makes the game so much better. The game has finally begun \o/


flying ruens the game just fly off midle of a world pvp fight …
no wonder why pvp is dead in wow

Oh yes. Leveling feels so pleasant now, as does world quests, dailies, treasure hunting…

And I’m appreciating how the zones look a lot more. Revendreth is no longer just stone in your face and the view of Ardenweald from the sky is amazing :slight_smile:

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I also love catching all the views from above. It’s like a fresh look.

It’s so much more engaging to be able to fly, rather than taking the flight paths.


does the flying work in Orbos ?

Wowhead has a guide for you and no it does not .

Indeed no flying in Oribos.

Really like the new glasses look :kissing_heart:

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I do miss my crown but these are just so great.


Where can we get these glasses? They look cool!

You can buy them in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. In Org the troll is located outside the barbers. I believe the equivalent is the same in SW.


then replace head gear with red glasses and now ur dracula with style

Everytime I log a vulpera into the game

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Would be awesome, but long hair is not the best with that collar… damn cliping

Every time I see a Vulpera, it made my smile, because I know one day the faction barrier will crumble and Alliance will have those awesome foxes too!

I got my Primal Mooncloth belt in BCC, which is my first epic :fist:
And, while grinding the primals I had a perfect kill on an enemy when I was regenerating and saving mana, that is, 0 overkill on the killing blow. Now that’s what you call efficiency. Wish I made a screenshot :sweat:

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Finishing the boring and tedious chores at retail so I can log out without fearing I will have to do even more boring and tedious catch ups some time later. And I am not sarcastic

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Seeing my all my covenant callings drop renown, so hitting the required 44 today then just the next part of the campaign - flying here i come!!!

Seeing the new raid cinematic having 80% downvotes and 20% upvotes.


I had a common accident in Perdition Hold with this char and ran out through the northeastern gates to get rid of aggro. Of course it looks dramatic when a Warlock is trying to escape that place with 50% health followed by countless mobs and no pets out and one surely can assume that my cooldowns are unavailable.

I had the situation well under control, but that didn’t a nearby Blood Elf Paladin knew, which instinctively came to help me, and he have me a /hug. I thanked him, and it made me smile to know what I am not the only player out there who actually cares about and assists other players - even of the opposite faction. :slight_smile:

I just discovered that Koltira and Thassarian are well and having a well deserved catch up in Oribos. Old friends reunited!