šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Well - last night when I logged in after work, I had a lovely hello message on my bnet from a regular poster on these forums, it made my day after a less than good shift. As for today, I unlocked flying and was surprised how little effort it took, so gonna explore the 4 flying zones from the air

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lego weapon is now also droped in LFR. :rofl:

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So far i have done the questline to get NF/Kryian/Vent mounts for flying and i love them all and saved Necrolords to last :smiley: each of the coverns have really nice mounts (yes inculding the fly)


I didnā€™t know there was a skip for alt for Korthia. So after I validated the first 3 quests, I couldnā€™t do the skip because Bolvar wasnā€™t here anymore and after accepting the quest that led to Ardenweald, I stopped cause I was pissed.

Then 4 days later out of curiosity I went back to Oribos and Bolvar was there and I finally could skip the korthia quest.
The quest at Ardenweald was automatically removed.

:relieved: :slightly_smiling_face:

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I canā€™t bring myself to forego all the anima rewards atm

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I forgot i unlocked flying, so when i could fly on the alt - :smiley:


Iā€™m done with Rei Lun, I finally got the rajani warserpent :slightly_smiling_face:


Set my self a goal and met it 4 x chars at 45 renown and have each coven basic flying mounts and i done that :smiley:


Reaching 1.4k in 2s :muscle:


My Night Fae Dwarf Protection Paladin just had a nice conversation in Legion Dalaran with a fellow Blood Elf Mage about my Hippo soul.
So remember kids - you never know when you need your stack of https://www.wowhead.com/item=2460/elixir-of-tongues. These comes handy pretty often for everyone who enjoys the MMO-aspect of WoW. :slight_smile:

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Got the Crimson Shardhide today :grin: also was recommended a great addon called Venture Plan which is really helpful for Covenant table missions, wish I found it sooner!

Today I got my calling to help out in Ardenweald done so quickly after realising that I get a % boost from finding treasures on the map - so it took 1 world quest and a few treasures, all in reach of one flight master -

much better than slogging through 4 world quests, especially in that zone

Well, I was sitting in revendreth, Halls of atonement, I was multitasking for a few minutes and I forgot to prowl, so I was free meat and it didnā€™t miss : a feral druid came and started to wreck me off. Thankfully I did activate the sounds in the background and I went back in with 10% HP. My Dreamer mending activated and I was back in the game. I panicked and started to Heal&Run, throwing every root and dash I have in stock. But it was a druid also so we were just stunning, rooting, healing, DoTā€™ing, Convoking each other, running miles away from the position He attacked me at first. It really has a Star wars 3 last Obi/Anakin fight feeling, I was jumping from cliffs then flapping, interrupted by moonfire, then re-flapping just before hitting the ground, if it was not for a big chicken chased by a ugly horned cat, it would have been epic.

At some point I was in a dead end, and I went back to reach one of those elevators. We fought on it and I was planning to escape again, but I missed the platform and the elevator went down, but I was trying to jump to reach the exit. So He tried to jump probably to catch me there, but with the elevator going down we both fell from the platform, I was caster form and he was in bear form. I just had the time to shapeshift in mookin and activate flap a millisecond before hitting the ground below, and it was at this moment that he knew he should have taken the balance affinity xD

If the guy I m talking about read this, thank you, it was the most funny chase I had in the game by far. The joy of being druids as itā€™s finest. <3

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This made me chuckle this afternoon:

Tis a thing of beauty.

This too:

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Congrats! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, I managed to tweet the blue one in my first post and I was like ā€˜hold up, wait a minuteā€™ :laughing:

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Today I got my first horde character to level 49, which is where I xp lock most of my characters so they can stay in Chromie time, as long as they still have things to do there at least.