🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)


First working day of the week for me!!

5am to 4:45pm.

Which means im up at 3:45am to get dressed, get my piece ready and drive to be in time.

I should be home by 6pm, enough time for a S+S+S, my tea, the raid then bed again.

Orcish peon voice work work.


Do I want to know what an S+S+S is?

Me not dat kind of orc!

Suffer + suffer + suffer.

Just an average death knight thing, I suppose?


Snack, shower, sleep?

That’s a very long working day … and a very early start on a Sunday.

Cant be, sleep was later in the order after the mysterious S+S+S. We have to conduct a more thorough investigation. :smiley:

The key lies in the “bed again” I think, yes.

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I think you might be on to something, we should follow this lead. :thinking:

Hmm, think it might be :poop: :bathtub: :razor:


In other news, i hit renown 30 on Blunderstorm lsst night, 3 days to get 10 levels - found it easier with trio’s

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Tried to make keto garlic bread… I cannot for the life of me do this “fathead dough” it’s just a mess and makes my hands all swollen and red from the effort of mixing and the horrendous cleaning :dracthyr_cry_animated:

I can appreciate that but unless proper action is taken against people who go out their way to get me a vacation.

Not a lot is going to change here for me.

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Then you’ll LOVE Scottish Pizza.

I give you… Haggis and Black pudding pizza!




Double nope.

Getting… colder.

It would only lead you to a destination colder than the Traitors in Cocytus. (Gold Star if you get that reference.)

Ta da!!!

I have another same shift tomorrow but Tuesday I work 5 am to 10:45 am. Wednesday 5am to 1pm then Thursday 5am to 10:45am then I’m off until Sunday morning again, and it’s the shift ,ost distribution workers want as it gives you more or less 3 days off instead of just 2.


Never tried haggis but black pudding for sure is disgusting SOZ. Looks tasty though.

Trust a guy to figure that out. I got 1/3!

And at least the shifts seem to get shorter each day :thinking:

Side note: The keto garlic bread did actually work and it was tasty. Practise makes perfect I guess but MA HAAAAAANDS!!! :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


I do not fancy that pizza :dracthyr_hehe_animated:




i have to say i found a street truck in edinburgh doin a marvelous pizza. i admit it… im narrowminded when we spoke of pizza.


Have you played yourself with a fool’s mate that many times in chess? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Or just didn’t play the mandatory forced en passant?

(Just kidding, I spend way too much time looking at r/AnarchyChess posts)

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AT 7 AM… :joy::joy::joy:

Never scam call a warlock

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