🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

The investigation of mysterious S+S+S intensifies. Happy we found the answer for this, Alagondar solved the case. :joy:

You got me there LUL

The forum seems to be filled with mostly negative nancies again. I think I enjoyed it most when we had a huge load of information for TWW (that wasn’t lore spoilers).
I hope that pops up again soon with Cata Classic, Dark Heart and Remix.
Or maybe I’ll just be too busy having fun to visit the forums.


Monday Cat

Us decides to become a cat

I mean, at least there is 1. May this week, one less day of work. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


In the UK, we don’t get a day off for May Day but the May Day holiday is on the first Monday in May. Daft.


Doesn’t everyone love an extended weekend?

Not the people in my town with local businesses that close on sundays and mondays anyway. :joy:

Wednesday is the holiday here and looks to be 15C and sunny all day so im heading for lake.


Mayday :joy:


Sending out an SOS

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May day, workers holiday so the posh are not invited. Its for the workers. :smiley:

Here its named Vappu. :partying_face: :tada:

Had a ret pala in my group who did 295k dps at 496 ilevel, so Puny must do huge numbers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice walk with doggo today

Edit - zoom in on that tree on the top pic for Iron Maiden ‘Fear of the Dark’ vibes


So, in my boredom, I caved and tried a Plunderstorm game :see_no_evil:
I somehow, magically was the 7th person left.
I ran around screaming and laughing as I had no clue what I was doing and constantly expecting to be murdered.
I got 1 renown and decided I cba to do that again and my heartrate wasn’t ok with it.
Besides which, it made me feel simsick.
Now, where do I get my well earned gloves? :dracthyr_lulmao:

Side note: Just learnt they laid off Christie Golden in January :sob:

Puppy in this nice scenery like :smiley:

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That looks lovely and flat for a walk. I envy people who don’t live surrounded by hills.

From Twitter:

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I dragged myself to renown 38 tonight - playing trios is much quicker and more fun. gonna do the last 2 levels tomorrow night, then hit S4 maybe.