🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

I first saw that in the States in the Coke machines. Sadly the ones over here have nowhere near the flavors back “home” (I consider myself both American and Scottish), for example I have yet to see Vanilla Coke that is regular Vanilla Coke and not diet and you also got Regular Coke lemon. The flavoured Cokes do taste better as regular.

But I do miss Mello Yello, Mtn Dew and Big Red.

But two sodas I hated.

Root Beer and Grape Soda.

Eurgh nasty.

I quite liked lemon coke and vanilla coke. I hate coke now, it tastes… weird. Noting I drank coke zero. Switched to pepsi.

Sorry, at or by is correct. I understand it is confusing and have no idea what the rule is.
I think it depends on what the verb and surface is e.g. you throw at a wall; you can put something on the wall.
But you can throw and put something on or at a table. Buuh??

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I wanna just share with you that 2 friends coming from southern Italy suddenly appeared at my door and gifted 2 mozzarella di bufala.
I haven’t any pictures cuz I wiped em both in 2 secs .
This is friendship


I were also shoved this selection of 4 different cheeses today that Im not sure what to do with them, tasted bit of this some manchego from spain and some other that say it has brandy and peanut, both are pretty strong on their flavors. I usually buy emmental and put it over dark rye bread with cucumber. :slight_smile:

I guess I could try them on small bits of rye bread and some dark grapes on the side later with tv series. :dracthyr_a1:

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The cheese is mine!!!


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Set piece on priest and warlock in vault my god :exploding_head:

Root Beer is a drink from hell.
My favourite coke is Zero vanilla but even that isn’t easy to find here .

I’m hope this a “wow” wipe where you sprang upon them and tore them to shreds…

I will spend many a happy hour visualizing you crouching at your door like a rabid dog waiting for them to appear and when they come into your house laughing and joking you growl viciously, leap upon the first friend, and maul them before you pause and snarl with a bloodied maw as the other friend stands there with red-rimmed eyes full of tears and fear as you slowly stalk them.

This could be why I don’t get invited to parties.

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Holidays are over here, gotta get back to work. Not a single day of sun all this time :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Tell me, friend, when did Ananda, The Wise abandon reason for madness?


When she started to listen to her taste buds :wink:


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Dont know whats root beer but I wonder if its same as kotikalja which can be bought from stores here. I like that, its usually christmas drink like the swedes julmust but without the Cola which they put on their beer and consume averagely 7L per person all year :see_no_evil:

We just sell the beer and without the Cola in it, but I didnt dislike julmust either when I tried it :joy:

Julmust is so disgusting :face_vomiting:

I imagine you could probably get it somewhere but chances are it would be a slightly inferior version of our root beer which is revolting.

Only one thing beats it for nastiness.

Ice tea.

Or as I call it. Slightly cold golden syrup.

What are good though…

Arnold Palmers.

Plus I am OFF for my weekend!!! HUZZZZZAH!!!


It’s funny what people do and don’t like.

I don’t like Dr Pepper or Irn Bru yet some friends love that stuff.

This is how I know God doesn’t exist.


I had a feeling you’d notice that comment :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Dr Pepper should be banned as a mass destruction weapon.