šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

I feel decrepit after work myself.


My back felt like that for the last four weeks. Itā€™s better(ish) now.

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You people make me feel young! Thank you! :smile:


This fox boi too is passed his fourth X, donā€™t worry
Whippersnapper lizardā€¦

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Mere whelplings, you guys are :rofl: i ding 53 next monthā€¦


Okay grandpa, youā€™ve seen enough. Take your meds and go to sleep now :smile:

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I have the Pixel 7 and it does take great photos.
Battery life is straight up trash though, thereā€™s no sugarcoating it. Itā€™s not worth it.

Iā€™d probably pick up a OnePlus 12 right now if I had to switch.

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I donā€™t know why I keep trying to do classic. I was excited for catalysm but itā€™s just full of people and apparently Blizz doesnā€™t want us to enjoy low pop realms. I canā€™t quest because all the mobs are dead as there are so many levelling, you canā€™t share them and there are bored level 80s just trolling. It makes me feel very squashed and is not relaxing at all.

Back to retail, at least there other people arenā€™t a pain and we can help each other out on the fly.


I always find the old systems make for much more antisocial/bad behaviour. The game has come a long way.

I had a similar problem when a friend and I were trying to level in a previous Classic and this guy was farming the mobs we needed for a quest. He would not group with us even if we would let him have whatever drops it was he was farming. So we had to stand there and try to get the tag faster than a capped char.

I find the Classic player base behave worse simply because the systems allow it.


I am honestly unsure how I put up with it originally. I guess because I hadnā€™t experienced any better. I think I didnā€™t level very much as I prefered to just hang with friends and do silly things. The memory is better than the reality, as usual.

Maybe when I try remix, get horrified at the amount of people there instead, I will try again and the population will be low because everyone is on remix. :crazy_face:

Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwt dawwwwwwwwwwg I got the rest of the day off.

Production very slow today, we are transitioning away from seasonal carrots to Cauliflower from Spain and Broccoli from Portugal.

Its just taking a helluva long time to get here.


Back then it was all we knew. This kind of behaviour was just common.

/shrug. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m not on a super-crowded server, but before this CRZ and phasing garbage I rarely had trouble getting questing done. Farming and grinding certainly existed, but not to a degree it ever caused memorable issues. Might help that it wasnā€™t a pvp server either, so less of a griefing mentality in the player base too I guess.

Ah so I should switch to broccoli? I have noticed some of the veg at M&S has been a bit meh lately and figured things were going out of season.

Yeah I donā€™t play on PvP servers, ever. Unfortunately they are closing Hydraxian Waterlords RP realm, which was low pop and I loved it because it was basically like a solo self-found game. Or ā€œfamily foundā€ as mother and I call it :smiley:

Now they want to squash everyone togetherā€¦ I play on a low RP realm in retail and even with others from RP realms, itā€™s a fine population for me. A bit crazy at the moment with events but itā€™s kinda useful there. Iā€™ve been on this server for a very long time and itā€™s always been low, so perhaps thatā€™s how I survived: it wasnā€™t that bad even back then.

I hate normal servers! People with stupid stupid names and behaving like utter idiots. I know we get them everywhere but itā€™s in abudance! I want my RP server back :dracthyr_cry: Blizz never learn.

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I picked the RP server in SW:TOR, mainly due to the aggravation stupid names cause. Was definitely not going on a pvp server because eww pvp server and also figured normal ones would be crowded, also with its fair share of stupid names. Then a couple years ago now they merged all 3 server types in Europe (and I guess in the America too) into just 1 server per language, so now Iā€™ve ended up with all the Xdarthlordkillerx players anyway :frowning:


lol if itā€™s M&S veggies itā€™s VERY likely I distributed them to the depot that then takes the veggies to the stores. Carrots we get all year round from Europe but we are probably about 80% done with the UK carrots and we are now bringing a lot of the greens we process. Ive been told that in a few months we will also be distributing to ASDA.

I shall think of you whenever I eat carrots :laughing:

Same, same with GW2, same anywhere. I always research. I hate when they merge them, RP community has more for it than just ā€œwe roleplayā€ and nobody seems to get that but the players :frowning:

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