🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Turkish Delight flavour ice cream - its delicious :yum:


Gz on birthday, few summer cycles behind there aswell. Dinging 39 here, were both summer childs it seems :joy:

It was how the game was and we knew no different.

Nothing with the words ‘turkish delight’ in the description is delicious :dizzy_face:

Border controls. They’re waving almost everything through but then they noticed you were waiting so decided to pick on that one import for a stop and search.


That will be why I start at 5am and spend two and a half hours leaning on my worktable with my labels and scanner waiting…

Waiting waiting waiting

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The worst part of having to work is when there is no work to do. Time goes by so slowly!


I absolutely despise standing around doing nothing, even if there’s clearly nothing to do to managers. So now to kill time and because of my autism I now spend spare time going around putting all the labels in alphabetical order, putting the M&S tape with the depot name on top of the labels and use the pallet truck to move the pallets into alphabetical order from Barnsley to Thatcham and then start rebuilding the pallet the night shift haven’t finished off and re building it the way I want it. The team leader (to her credit and I suspect she already knew why I was doing it) told the other guys to “just leave me alone, he’s not doing anything he’s not supposed to be doing and he’s not standing around with his thumb up his a*** so if he wants to do that let him.”




See, that’s the kind of work I would actually enjoy. Aside from the fact I can’t physically move things. My first job was organising a digital storeroom and assigning labels and numbers to every piece of equipment and adding it to a library system. I loved that job but it took me a week not 8… I wondered wtf normal people were doing. 7 weeks of doing nothing was anxiety inducing, I left at 6 when the guy that was supposed to take over arrived because I just couldn’t stand it any longer!

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That’s why I’m so grateful to be able to do partial home office even post-Covid… :eyes:


That’s how 80% of my threads are made.


definitely. now i do 2 days at work and 3 at home. perfect i would say

EDIT. yesterday passed away Bernard Lee - aka King theoden. isnt warcraft but this scene still gives me chills



That’s the sort of thing I like doing too. I spent a lot of time reorganising my study (and all the other rooms containing stock) instead of actually doing something about selling it :laughing:

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MOTH SQUEAKS! :sparkles:

Moth Girl Finds Lamp

Most my days at work recently are just standing around for the magority of the shift waiting for work to happen.

Then people actually wonder why i look so tired lol…

I wake up at 3:50am to do nothing for a good 8 hours of my 12hour shift not including breaks, at least at break i can look at my phone.

There is only so many times i can walk around the small department before it becomes boring too.

And there is only so many times i can have the same conversations with people day in day out.

“Yes bob, only 11 hours till home time!”

On the day to day,

Interesting conversation = 0

Conversation you get dragged into = 90

Conversations about football = 10

I hate football.

I wish i could have a shot everytime i hear.

“Here we go again”
“Nearly there”
“Not long now”
“X days to go”
“Today is half way”
“Last day”

And many more.

I would be so wasted i wouldnt even realise i was at work.

I was talking to someone on my days off at the gym they were so happy and pround of their job.

They asked what i did.

The conversation soon changed when i basically discribed hell on earth.

They ended the conversation by saying " at least its a day off tomorrow, bankholiday."

Nope some people have to work those.


Wouldn’t that be Rosewater flavour? :thinking:

If only I could do aircraft turnabouts from home… :frowning:

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It’s weird. Some people celebrate getting paid for doing nothing but I would hate it. That’s why I work 7 days a week and goodness knows how many hours a day … and the advantage of being self-employed. No boredom and no putting up with people you wouldn’t normally choose to be with. (And a bit of time to look at forums too :wink: )
So you have my sympathy.