šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Blizzards beyond bad class tuningsā€¦ Every day it makes me sadā€¦

:unamused: :roll_eyes:

Everytime I have to compete with a firemage as eleā€¦

Streamers title like this

Selling HC Sire Boosts. come and support Method!

This is just getting out of control

Celebrating 30 years of Warcraft by having to pay 40 euro for a mount.

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Getting a 5th Albatross in a row when the only thing Iā€™m missing from BFA is the proudmooreā€™s music box. Attempt 23 that was.

I have had so many albatrosses that I think the entire population of Boralus is doomed by now.

Seriously though, there are days I really hate the RNG systems we have in everything. No doubt youā€™ll hear me rant more next week when I do my annual pink rocket farm.

Im pretty sure Ill have something to frown about after opening my vault tomorrow.

Logged in on my horde main to see if my friends would like to do dungeons or something. Nah, too busy sitting afk in Oribos.
Switched to my alliance main to see if my guildies would be up for some dungeons, achis, mount / transmog runs. Nah, too busy sitting on Discord to read chat.
Switched to an alt to see if anyone in my leveling community wants to do dungeons. Nah, out of 180 people Iā€™m the only one online.
Logged on my warrior to do BWL for tier 2 boots. Nopeā€¦ also a nope for the shield from Chromaggus.
Sometimes I ask myself why do I even play when it is just me, myself and I who wants to do stuff.

I really hate the Shadowlands version of the mission table. It burns through anima which I donā€™t really have to spare. We have a million and one followers that need levelling up and I mostly have to send them on suicide missions.

I didnā€™t mind the other expansion mission tables they were just something I log in and do first.


Even more whine threads on the forum and all the fun stuff has been pushed back down.

I realised that some specs BiS conduits drop from raid only. So if you donā€™t like to raid, sucks to be you I guess.

Great game design

I know its not the most fun either: but you could get them from the Maw with Stygia if you want to skip raiding.

The storming affix

How much slower the queue for the love dungeon is on the Alliance compared to Horde :frowning:

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No new pet/toy/mount in the love event.

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Finally started doing SL content on my Paladin, first vignette in Bastion gave me like 4 weapons, 1 isnā€™t for my spec, others arenā€™t even transmogable for Paladins. (dagger, warglaive, fist weapon)

mounting up on red old blanchy (which I love) on an alt outside SL to find it doesnt fly :sob:

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Weekly M box - Cloak, Legendary slot cloak.

Loot is rare but when you do get it, it is a repeat or targets your leggo slot. It just rubs salt into the woooooounds (champion)

1 renown away from 30 and I canā€™t get it to drop anywhere ;-(

My mana tea didnā€™t have any mana in it :pouting_cat:

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The latest forum drama on a realm and taming a cute vulpine fox only to discover its cool abilities were lost in the tameā€¦