😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

As nightborne player hearing the answer in Q&A that there will be no customization added in shadowlands, i just wish at least we would’ve got the narrowed eyes option like the npcs have, at least something to add little bit sweet flavor to our bitter taste after being one of the worst races in terms of customizations since BFA

i can only dream to get something like this in game :frowning:

It seems now in the pug world not only do you need RIO you also need orange passes to get an invite
 (Raid) These elitist will destroy the game, we will all just leave you to get one with it and farm mounts at this rate. Get your head out of your a**e and realise what you are doing to the health of the game.

There will be no future mythic raiders, because to be a mythic raider you have to have been a mythic raider
 think about it. Same seems to apply to heroic unless you pay for the privilege of getting a curve.

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Logging on.

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Waiting 30 mins in LFG and not a single application for a 3v3 push in Arena. BRING SOLO QUEUE NOW

I finally maxed out my Kyrian mission table!

But now I can’t do any of the offered missions unless Mikanikos is in the team, so
 I guess I do 1 mission at a time now.

Meanwhile my Night Fae alt can just go 1 follower and 4 troops on nearly everything and has been running 10+ missions simultaneously.

I had seen the warcraft logs in game addon but it requires running overwolf in the background which I thought would deter many. Are many pugs using it?

I’ve seen an increasing number of pugs listing a log colour requirement in their description. I suppose now the curve can be ‘bought’ they need another filter, it is the natural progression. Getting good logs in a pug is very,very tough and it also encourages dps to ‘tunnel’.

I don’t know if they are using the live log app. I don’t log and did look that warcarftlogs site to see if I had logs , which I did for about half my kills (so someone was logging it)

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I’ve not really bothered pugging that much, mostly just do a Normal clear for the anima and transmog. They have no such requirements and are happy to just see your progress via raider io app.

That’s some going if they are manually checking every applicant on warcraftlogs.

I agree log runs are very different from first kills. It’s usually the kind of thing that is more relevant when applying to join guilds than a pug for a single run.

Still killing Famu on seven chars a day, to no avail :frowning:

A level 51 rogue engaged with my shaman in WPvP, i did 1 stormstrike and i guess mad critted and procced because i chopped him down to like 10% health in 1 attack, he instantly vanished and i never saw that specific rogue again.

Just made me frown that he would be the agressor then instantly escape.

Sounds like a case of ‘I’ve made a terrible mistake’ and he scarpered :laughing:

Decided to try the Stranglethorn fishing contest. not only did I not manage to finish in time, the game decided to delete the fish I got so I can’t even get the 2 silver or whatever you get for the compensation prize.

At least I got a hat from a rare fish quest. They should really make fishing gear cosmetic so all classes can transmog those.

No mount drop, again.

No Famu for me either today.

Been 24 hours since I saw an experience or anima mission on my table.

There had only been one of each in the previous 24 hours too.

It’s not looking good for getting my followers any stronger and doing that mission that’s 18 levels above them

If you use an addon it will show you how much XP your followers get for doing the mission itself.

I do, but the 1200 xp (for failure) missions tend to be 50 anima each. Given the lack of anima missions to start with, this is really going to get costly :frowning:

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I’ve not upgraded my sanctum for three weeks now :frowning:

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I logged and i still had to run everwere.
Cannot fly and its starting to feel extremly bad, like a punishment.

The Maw is specially bad by now.