100/12 Horde VS Alliance Mythic Castle Nathria

Hard to keep track of the proper population from those tags since blizzard have adjusted their thresholds a few times. Was a period where most servers were medium because they had set high/full too… high.

Fixed that for you.

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honestly only way this gets solved is tempting the raiders to switch. even free FC probably wont do much at this point because there’s still very little incentive to actually switch.

we have those pvp buffs to try increase alliance in battlegrounds etc. what if they did something similar for PVE. i mean, if they introduced valor points or something similar you could allow alliance players to get % more as incentive for people to switch. eh IDK grapsing at straws honestly. its probably never going to get fixed.

but i guess op’s main point is alliance need 100 guilds to clear before mythic pugs are unlocked or something right? so i guess bliz could just make that little thing non faction based and just 100 guilds cleared to unlock for all…

Whats the actual problem here? If you take raiding seriously chances are you go horde.

So what?

The only way for this to be solved would be to remove the redundant faction barrier. We have already tried the other options.

And i am 100% certain that if the barrier were to be removed it would take less then a week for people to forget that it was even a thing.

Because half of the races/cosmetic choices comes with the added disadvantage both lower population of players and even less interested in high end content.

People are being severely punished for picking their desired race.

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Because as a raider, I should be able to raid with an alliance char. Or at least with my alliance friends.


No they aren’t, they are just being rewarded slower. Thats not punishment.

That is punishment actually. I think a major reason why so many switched to Horde is because of the pretty Blood elves. It’s not something that happened overnight. It took years and years of non-responsive developers to the Alliance’s requests for High elves, while more and more kids flocked to the Horde, either because of the pretty Belfs, or because of the cool undead and the trolls, etc. The reason is actually, largely aesthetic and lore based. They have races that cater to all tastes. You will be surprised by how big the percentage is of people playing Blood elves atm.

We only had blueberry elves until Novemeber, and we are still left with blueberry hair! Ofc the OP racials that Horde had during MOP did not help the situation either.

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Nah, the Alliance only has the Dwarven race going for us. Dwarf for life!

This statement brought to you by my own opinion.

Hahaha, indeed dwarves are cool! And they also really need to do something with those god-aweful Human models! Look at the Humans Blade & Soul and Black desert have! Scratch that, go for an older game than these, like FF14 and check the humans there!

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I concur. The human models looks like some alien race trying to act like humans, but failing at it horribly.

The female model looks quite frail, but all these female human mages using combust say otherwise.

The male model just have way too many muscles, as do most other male models, Tauren (also Orc) I can understand as they are steroid driven birdbrains.

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Female humans run like they have weed themselves lol :rofl: it honestly looks so bad! They also have short bodies, waaaay tooo chonky thighs, and chonky legs to go along with it! Imagine how many people would convince their friends to flock over to the Alliance if the humans were suddenly turned into sexy powerhouses! Taking inspiration from the other load of MMORPGs out there with better human models xD

You compare two different things. If you want to compare events then it would be something like MDI and AWC. If you want to compare ingame stuff, then it would be raids and mythic dungeons and we know who dominates both.

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Blizzard not only does not help to balance factions they doing exact opposite and punish alliance at every turn. You still can remember start of Castle Nathria when there was hope for more balance when some raiders guild wanted to go alliance because dwarfs could remove bleed effects, and we could seen more alliance raiding guilds and what Blizzard did - NERFED IT IN ONE/TWO days to stop balance.

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Ultimately Racials should have been disabled for high end content such as Mythic raids, Mythic+ dungeons and rated pvp.

But even without that nerf there would have hardly been any raids switching faction because having easy access to the larger player pool is just so much better.

Well, I personally dont care that they have the better Racials and Mythic Raiders. I mean they have so much downsides, being so ugly and having such a bad lore, featuring low intelligence Races all over the so called “Horde”.

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Well if horde and alliance are the core then it’s about time to remove the mercenary mode also. Else the horde has the cake and gets to eat it too. Maybe that would inconvenience some less raiding orientated players to switch back to alliance.


Only thing that would happen is for pvp to die.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind taking the pvp down with the alliance. Or as they say beware a man with nothing to lose.

MDI being Alliance-only hasn’t brought many players to Alliance, though? I play exclusively Alliance and have never, ever seen a group requiring “Night Elves only” for the big skips. MDI is just a niche tournament. OP’s post however is talking about the raiding scene as a whole.