100/12 Horde VS Alliance Mythic Castle Nathria

It ends up being the game as a whole actually.
There is a massive disparity in both PVE and PVP when it comes to player population, with both favoring Horde.

And overall there is now more Horde players than Alliance players, something that is only going to increase similar to what happened with most servers.

As a player who plays both factions I can say that horde have better racials and races.
Both visually and in gameplay

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Not to mention that bulk of the story focus tends to revolve around the inner conflicts of the Horde, with the Alliance just being there.

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MDI is done in tournament realms where everyone can swap faction without any costs, though. Live server keystone scene remains Horde-dominated, according to raider.io.


It really saddens me to see the current faction situation.

I wish someone stood up for these guys and grabbed Blizzard by the collar regarding this issue. It needs to be addressed, the Alliance really needs some help here.

Is it so damn hard to offer free transfer to everyone for a while? Maybe have a raid tier that favors the Alliance for a little bit?

I don’t understand honestly. They’re sticking to the faction system but they’re not doing anything to keep the factions balanced. It’s like they’re deaf and blind, only that they’re not. They just choose to ignore it.

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Call me paranoid, but I am beginning to get really suspicious of them now. This has been going on for YEARS, yet they have done nothing about it. And as stated above, as soon as a good racial is given to us it gets nerfed.

What would you think If I told you they are being bribed to enhance the Horde so that pro players and their sponsors will save money in not doing any unneccessary transfers? Or simply because some rich people out there are so obsessed with the Horde that they want it to always be at the top?

Ok, you’re paranoid. :smiley:

Other than an ulterior motive in this happening I really cannot see there being any other reason why they are keeping the imbalance happening. They have more than enough resources to facilitate a cross faction gameplay system but nothing has been said about this so far.

Most of the time, money is the reason. It makes them money, one way or the other.

I have no idea what to tell you honestly.

There’s endless scenarios we could think of. Some of them more conspiratorial than others, but all is possible in the end.

I’m really looking forward to this year’s Blizzcon. I really want to see what they come up with and if there’s a Q&A session like regular Blizzcons.

There will be a Q&A session. Only issue is we will probably hear only about gameplay fixes, which is what affects the majority atm. I doubt there will be any attention given to Allied race customizations or tackling the imbalance issues…I don’t think they care enough to be frank.


A lot of people like me are stuck on dead-rock servers where there aren’t many opportunities to raid Mythic.
Transfering is one thing but taking all your alts with you become quite an expensive journey.

It’s similar with guilds that wish to progress Mythic but they can’t due to lack of players on empty servers, none to recruit. I mean how many people would actually transfer to a dead servers to raid?

Not saying that would solve faction imbalance but this would sure help if more servers were merged.

This or open Mythic raiding via group finder from day 1.

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okay boomer. you have so many different races on both sides and yet you choose to play human XD

I think paid transfers did the most damage to alliance.

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that has to be the most :clown_face: theory I have ever seen. lmaoooo

that might help a little bit, but i don’t think it’d do all that much. you need to present horde players with a compelling reason to go alliance. by removing the cost you reduce the barrier, but that’s still people and guilds who are established on horde. even if it’s free to swap your guild over and you maybe have a small advantage from buffing racials up a touch, there is a huge cost in the players you will inevitably lose who do not want to change. there is a cost in losing the ability to play with the friends you do mythic+ or pvp with.

perhaps if you leave it for years it might start to snowball, but then you’re risking the overall playerbase becoming imbalanced as people from outside this raiding bubble start to change over for a variety of reasons. you’re also asking blizzard to give up a large amount of faction change money.

for it to have any real effect, i think it would need to be a dramatic advantage. whether that’s in terms of making the alliance substantially more powerful, making it more convenient to be alliance, making it actively inconvenient to be horde etc. but now you’re introducing pretty problematic things into the game, which isn’t really a particularly good idea.

then there’s the “remove faction barriers” thing. whether one wants that or not, it would be a huge change to the game and is something blizzard is not likely to take lightly.

i know it’s easy to poke holes in ideas without coming up with any of your own, but i genuinely do not know how you solve this in a clean way. perhaps you can’t.

I playing horde this season cause alliance player base at the last few months of BFA. Sometimes in DF tool was 2-3 regular runs and 15 WTS runs…Different between horde and alliance was so visible. I WANT play alliance again but i afraid when more ppl start quitting after new expansion hype alliance will in this same situation.

We need to unite player base, or ppl will runing away to horde. I don’t see any other good option what would help alliance.

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Nope, but being a better player makes you more likely to go Horde.

Oh well, here we are.

I can tell that the general population on Alliance is improving, but high end raiding continues to lag behind.

thing is horde has everything they need now, racials where a problem at one point, not so much now.
but for pvp, they have merc mode, what again makes it so there is no reason to go alliance, Merc mode has to be removed becuse the benefit for a huge faction to have it is to much.

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Let anyone be able to party, raid, pvp, guilds and have party members be flagged as being part of the same faction as the leader.

Not particularly game-breaking.

That’s why I said have a raid favor the Alliance. It’s only a season thing, but enough to bring raiders to the Alliance for that world first.

Pair it with free transfers and you will see a huge change.

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I cannot prove that there may be an internal conspiracy to leave the imbalance issue as it is because it makes them more money. And you cannot prove that this is not the case either. But if you gather all the events and the changes in races and racials throughout the WoW history it kind of points the non-naive players to that conclusion.
If they cared and made no money at the burden of Alliance players, they would have fixed this by now. But as we stand faction changes and server transfers cost just a little less than a new game. It could be argued that they removed faction changes as a transaction though when removing faction restrictions, and increased the price on race changes and server transfers to make up for it.

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