10.1.5 worry: stats (mainly pvp)

Overall the rework looks amazing, based around glimmer aoe healing and judgement being useful again.

However one point that is very worrying to me is that the usual caster playstyle revolves heavily around infusion of light (criting with holy shock makes flash much cheaper basically and heal for more).

With the rework, we lose +30% crit chance on holy shock base, and another +7% from the talent (from +15% to +8%)

going from +45% chance to crit (along with base crit meaning that more often than not you will crit and get infusion) to +8% chance to crit (meaning that - assuming in general 15% base crit with some haste / vers gear), you will now crit maybe one out of every 4 holy shocks.

To me this looks like any caster build is now dead in the water with the rework - which is unfortunate since the new mastery on beacon talent was just what we needed to make that very build work.

So looks like crit will be kinda worthless now since no point building around infusion of light consistently, meaning haste / mastery, meaning caster build useless (too mana expensive, not enough healing without infusions), so will def be melee wings always ?

But then the entire glimmer build kinda feels like it wont fit into melee style very well (needing to maintain glimmer when you are already kinda gcd locked during wings with judge / crusader strike / wog).

Anyone tested this out on PTR and have some thoughts on how stats / playstyle will end up ?

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