"120k bots removed" Is just a big lie

ALL the bots on my server, still there. The ones i have reported for 3 months STRAIGHT. Still there
All Goldbuyers (aka GDKP players) still there ( even tho they break TOS and buy 100k+ gold just so they can WHALE their way to better gear and ruin the game) still there.

I honestly dont think anyone is working on classic @ blizzard


Well, you’re not wrong there.

It is not lie. They just removed them from American servers

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Or they just removed them from one part of the game.

Or they were removed from retail. There are several options, but in each of them, bots continue to spoil my game on BG.

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On European servers, bots have been and remain. Nobody got banned

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hmm… yes its a lie ^^ on EU-Everlook nobody got banned too

“I can’t see it so it didn’t happen”, Like Nelson holding his telescope to his blind eye.

Probably less that 10% of the bots were banned in my opinion so you won’t see that much of a difference.

There are so many servers around the world. If you think about it, let’s say wotlk has around 1m players, 100k would only be 10%. Its unlikely that you see the immediate impact on your server. I highly doubt that publicly owned company is lying about banning accounts.

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