13 classes... 1 is in every 15+ key, spot the problem

Blockquote go look in raider IO dps classes for keys 15 and above, there is aug in almost all keys, and there are other specs beside fdk and enh, like ret/assa/mage/boomy/ele (ranging 4-8% of keys each), while aug is 21%. So yes aug took those specs and no fmage wont be the only meta if aug wasnt there, like I said the balancing of classes atm isnt so bad that only 2-3 dpsers are viable. So as I said aug is taking the spot of those other specs beside enh/fdk for free and for no reason beside blizzard want aug as sup spec for high keys which no1 asked for.

And if you gonna argue that ok in 15+ keys there are other classes beside enh + fdk but not cutting edge keys, then go look at R1 keys (18s), there are still boomy/assa rogue/fmage. proving that minimal dps differences wont be the big difference and there are still other viable specs for highest keys possible without enh + fdk.

it has a different reason.
i dont invite augs unless i am 100% certain the other 2 dps players are not garbage.

chances are that one dps player does bad dmg having then an aug in the team means we have barely any dmg.
having 2 good dps and one bad, still lets you time +8s without too much stress.
it is not because people think aug is bad or anything

I mean, he is not wrong.

And you want them nerfed ? :rofl:

Aug will always be a problem in competitive environment.

If we get rid of survivability then they definitely need to reboost the dps through the roof.
(The fact that if another person dies we lose 1.5/3 dps instead of 1 must have an advantage somewhere else)

The question is:

Is Blizzard going to overhaul a spec that creates issues in an environment that at this moment counts less that 10k players?

I will just post this again…

"I just gonne come out and say it, what really needs to happen.

Blizz needs to make simming and the data mining of numbers impossible, remove weak auras and damage metres.

Make it so hard it would almost be impossible to find what is the meta, the build of the week or whatever. Metas ruin any game it touches, it drains the fun and thought out of anything.
Due to dumb metas you get people complaining about racials that gives you a 0.4% boost in what ever, and people get angry cus now you have to change to a dwarf to be the best or what ever.
Lets be real, almost no one in this game is so good that this 0.4% boost in what ever makes a difference.
Metas make people toxic, it is numbers over fun or intresting playstyles.

But sure, if people want to follow the matas, blizz can make so rated content all has the same gear, stats and abillities. Make the rest of us that like the open world have fun with crazy racials and silly abillities."


What do you want? Remove the tooltips from the abilities what they do?

This button heals for a random amount
This button also heals for a random amount
This button is doing something too

Sounds like a fun game!

Lets just start with removing damage metres then.

Damage meters says something about a current fight of the current players with all the randomnesses of targetted mechancs. Says nothing about potential or meta.

When you know what abilities do you can run programs.
Aug isn’t in the top keys because they sim so high or look good on damage meters either. An Aug is number-wise a loss.

Lmao, class diversity in high keys. :joy:


It won’t make a difference.
Remove all of that & players will resort to external third party websites, you can not stop people from testing & finding an optimal composition.

Right, ofcourse, you are right.

I have heard they do not have damage metres in FFwhatever.
And i am not saying that everything should be random, internally there would be numbers, percentages and what not, but we would be able to access them in a significant way.
What would be the difference between a healing abillity saying “a powerful healingspell” and “this spell heals so and so health” on your healing tree you chose a talent that says " you are more intune with the element of water, your healing rain is significally stronger!", instead of having it say. “Healing rain heals 55% more”?

And why do you think that would change the meta?
An Aug is on the meters in a perfect environment (so with other people who play perfect) already a loss.

They do.

Also true, but i guess that would go agienst terms of service?

No thank you, I don’t wanna carry people.

FF14 bans addons, but people break the TOS and install meters anyway.

Just dont be stupid enough to stream with them, or slap the numbers around in the chat after a fight :grin:

I don’t play FF14 so I’m not really bothered what they allow, just stating what I’ve seen :stuck_out_tongue:

This is impossible. There will always be a meta and a way to find the meta, even if it requires millions of samples.

If you want to remove from players the urge to find meta, then design your game so that “picking” the meta is actually non-meta. There are many unfair ways to implement this, from the simple “Your group has a class that is over-represented, you cannot enter” to the outrageous “Completing the dungeon with this group composition will not count toward your score or improve your key or give you equipment or crests or contribute to the Great Vault, and will also have 10x repair costs.”

Here’s another outrageous idea!

  • You may not enter a key of difficulty X until difficulty X-1 has been cleared by every single other specialization.

It would disrupt metas as it would be impossible for players to do a true calculation of what is 0.3% better than another thing.

I can appriciate that some might find it fun to dig deep into numbers, and find the abselute perfect way to build a character, but let us be real here, most people do not do that, they go on an external site, and look at someone who has done that and just copy, everything from the build, to rotation, to class race combo.
Many not even knowing why it is the best, no exploration or experimentation on their own.
It is the same in every game.
In hearthstone you get the deck of the month. Everyone plays it.
In LoL, a champ of the week, one that every one plays.
WoW, now everyone play dwarf cus it is a tiny tiny bit better! (I love that we get more dwarves cus my little beard kings are lit!)
Any shooter has a meta gun.
Meta carts for mario cart.
Pokemon, team of the week.
The list goes on, right.

And i do underatand the urge to win, to be the best one can, but i have heard enough people complain that they dont wanna play evoker, or dwarf, just to be a part of the meta, that the meta play style is boring.

And that is my honest opinion, games would be better if people were unable to find the meta, and they did play them in a way that they settle into natrually. Without reading guides.
And i appriciate that, that might sound idiotic to others, i do not wish you to convince you to be like “you know Rard! You are right and i will change my mind!”.
I am just hopeing you understand and can see this point of view too. :slight_smile:
With love.

  • rard