Disabling XP Gains on 110+ Characters

Since the launch of Battle for Azeroth, we’ve noticed an increasing trend of players turning off XP gains at level 110 in order to repeatedly powerlevel other players’ characters at an excessive rate without increasing their own level. The intention of the XP-off feature is to allow alternate characters to stay in lower-level PvP brackets or relive lower-level content, not to purposefully halt progression in content relevant to the current expansion.

To curb this behavior, we plan to implement a hotfix in the coming days that will disable the ability to turn off XP gains on characters level 110 or higher. Additionally, any character of that level who already has XP disabled will find it automatically re-enabled the next time they log in.


Fun has been detected.
Fun will be nerfed.

The intention of the XP-off feature is to allow alternate characters to stay in lower-level PvP brackets or relive lower-level content

Then apply the fix at 111, not 110.


Where were people being power leveled, island expeditions?

Oh dear. That’s very bad.

What about people who want to stay at 110 so they can finish Legion, with queues, before continuing?

Further, this is nothing new. People have been twinking at previous expansion cap since I can remember. Dungeon boosts by 101 twinks were a positive feature of Legion.

Bad decision. No redeeming upside here.


Gj killing last piece of powerleveling and old raid farming. Seriously wth.

Doing your absolute best to kill the game


This will kill level 113 role playing…

If it bothers you so much how people are leveling why don’t you just disable being able to queue Island Expedition while having xp gain turned off…? Instead of screwing everyone over because of some individuals.


i suppose you Hotfixed this that way to ensure a Win in the
"Shi.ttyest Hotfix hall of fame contest" and i predict you’ll have the winner prize.


So, the only way to stay at 110 after this ‘hotfix’ is to simply not purchase BFA?

I’m so glad I still haven’t purchased that junk beta expac yet… :wink:

Still 110 and proud.


Do you ever wonder why your stock margin went down by 50%.

Because I do this is one of the many reasons.


You know, I posted a reply then just deleted it because I’m just losing interest. I was actually really enjoying the 110 bracket, as were a lot of others, and something that made me genuinely interested in the game again. And through some ham-fisted, ill-thought out attempt at fixing something, you just put an end to all that.

Jesus, what in the hell is happening at Blizzard lately? Are you truly trying to compete for world’s worst game company of 2018-2019?

Toschayju, can I seriously suggest you lot go back to the conference table and rethink how you approach this?


Lol think blizz have been smoking something dodgy tonight. What an absolutely ridiculous hotfix. It’s gonna cost ya…


Instead of doing this… Think about why they do not want to be level 120


why this instead of solving the scaling issue?


Fatum you genuinely remind me of that creepy guy from Zelda Twilight that breaks Ganons neck at the end.

“The intention of the XP-off feature is to allow alternate characters to stay in lower-level PvP brackets or relive lower-level content”

I have 6 characters xp locked at 119 just for the PvP. But I won’t be able to anymore because people farm things at lvl 110’s? The only reason I play wow anymore is for my lvl 119’s. I’m unsubbing if this goes live.


Out of stubbornness. Solving the scaling issue would be done by disabling the scaling, but then they wouldn’t be able to artificially prolong the world content.


I feel like there’s better ways for Blizzard to have gone about this. Fixing scaling, disabling legendaries in expos + current dungeons…

This is extreme. Let people twink.