[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

[UPDATED JUNE 24] Preserved Contaminants and Legendary Cloak Updates

Get more Corruption effects and improve Ashjra’kamas.

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Brb in 13 weeks when my alts will have the same corruption resistance as my main. no worries, working as intended.


Another example of Blizzard holding back on dropping time gates to drive participation down the line.

Just stop it guys, you’re just pissing off your player base.

Also, thanks for reposting old news.


Wannabe tryhards will still cry about timegating their resistance, but i like this change, people with lower skill like myself can get cloak to rank 15 more easily which is cool (at max level sanity drain is so low that i will be able to progress further) :smiley: :smiley:

I would be playing this game a lot more if it didn’t have dumb rubbish like this in.

How about you stop worrying about your time played stats and start thinking about what would make the game fun to play.

nah mate, grinding this time gated currency to enter visions to grind this time gated upgrade, to get the currency to buy rotating corruption is so involved and makes the game feel so alive, trust us /s

My cloak on my main is rank 6. I have little to no fun in horrific visions and all those changes doesn’t encourage me in the slightest. I wished I could upgrade my cloak outside of horrific visions but until shadowlands nothing will happen. Same goes for the hearth of azeroth. No fun in getting Essences… only have 1 Legendary Essence an that is it.

4 week rotation is too long. It should be 2 weeks top. Cloak update catch up beyond 15 is way too slow. The weekly cap should be removed at this point.

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Still waiting for all the other obvious QoL changes.

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I like timegating stuff: it reminds me why I left retail…

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This is beginig to sound like a bad meme.
Ppl give constructive feedback as to why its bad (on all posibile chanels).
And they go on ahead and post this mess, so out of touch with the playerbase my God…

It is VERY disheartening to upgrade the cloak after rank 15. I thought some catch-up mechanic would be in place, but no. People who recently returned from a long break can just gawk at other players sit at 80+ corruption resist and know that I / we will never reach the top curve.

I know raiding will give another orb each week, but I do not raid nor have interest or time for it. With all the weekly dutys and dailys, it’s not an option.
It would be fair to be able to get 2 orbs from Horrific Visions as it would STILL take WEEKS to catch up.

I was close to cancelling my sub again when I found out about this. I still am, but gonna wait until I’m closer to the billing date, to see if you come up with something.

By the way, the same logic and game design philosophy they implement now is the same garbage they will be implementing in shadowlands.

Time gated rotations, mind numbing boring content you have to repeat every day instead of being able to do it all at once. Spending hours every day doing dumb pointless daily quests just to render it useless in two months.

My prediction: first few months of shadowlands they will keep the game in a good state to maximize expansion sales, just to exponentially increase RNG, timegate, daily grinds and other degenerate game play elements.

If they can’t behave civil now, they won’t be able in shadowlands either.

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That worrys me the most. Blizzard making changes on the Alpha and bad decisions (like the timed torments) NEEDS TO BE pointed out by content creators. The fact that they can’t think it might be a bad decision or at least ask the community which of the ideas they are pitching would work bothers me so much.

On a side note, because i can witness the same issue in Overwatch. Player want a ban system for heroes in ranked. They implemented the hero pool. The hero pool has been already taken out. They invested time and resources coming up with a clever solution instead going the easy way.

Same in BfA… They invested so much time and effort in systems like heart of azeroth, warfronts, island expeditions, essences, corrupted gear and cloak which brings little to no enjoyment to the playerbase. Here is an idea from WildStar (R.I.P.): At max level you still earn XP, which converts into a currency you could spent. If in Legion the artifact power or in BfA the azerith power would have worked with XP instead of a separat currency, it would have been way better.

Now we are at that point of having 10 different currencies for different patches and locations which have no use later on… Just stop Blizzard, pls. Take the easy route and put your time to the better use.

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