1h que 7 min game

I am tired of waiting in que for 1h and getting into 7 minute of game (AV ALLY PREMADE) Why do hordes have to play 20 hours of a day to get rank 14 and wpvp meanwhile in que. This is just ridiculous… Do even blizzard thinking about making changes?
I am not gonna even mention AV map difference.


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Enjoy your queue. :slight_smile:


I would like to see when ally can’t premade anymore… getting camped in cave :slight_smile:

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Because you chose to roll on the overpopulated, FotM faction for the better racials, hoping you’d have an easier time in PvP.


Oh I am enjoying my queue.
Farming materials and alliance in the world.
Good times.


You would rather be doing bgs

Can u stop making these posts. Jesus . Av is for pve anyway

How is the wsg queue atm

you are funny, I am complaining about AV ALLY PREMADE not QUE TIME :3

Not really no.

Then why queue up for bgs?

Because fun?

You are contradicting yourself


Your post is literally titled “1h que 7 min game”, you’re complaining about the ratio of queue time to play time.

That’s complaining about the queue… :thinking:

The ability for Alliance to effectively run full premade AVs is just another side effect of the enormous faction imbalance.

When the factions were closer together it was hard enough to enter as a 5man group, let alone 40.


And I have the right to do so.

Indeed, but because you are contracting yourself, only possible conclusion is that you are lying

You guys really want do discuss this again? Aren’t you sick of it by now? Yeah it sucks for horde to wait that long for Bg’s, but it also sucks even more that the players are jerk…g off to topics like this. Wtf happend to all the humanity, this is getting each day more toxic…


Carrots… carrots happend

The situation is so bad now if ur alliance you HAVE to join a premade to do AV or you’ll end up in a 5v40 9 out of ten times.
Expect queue times for Horde to shoot up exponentially as more and more alliance just give up on AV entirely.
Meanwhile Blizzard working hard on Shadowlands and leaving Classic on autopilot with zero GMs or any sort of forum attention.

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Joining a premade is hardly difficult