You don’t need set at all. You’ll be fine!
Somehow other Dracthyr classes don’t need to emphasize their draconic nature?! Make this make sense.
Sites over sites of adjustments again and priest has three bug fixes.
At this point I really guess they dont give any f about the class. Biggest joke.
Still no fix for warlock’s Soul Leech generation from hero talents like Wither
Best updates on a long time for me
“Non-cosmetic class restricted gear can now have its appearance collected by other classes. This change will be retroactive to any gear currently your bank or inventory.
When quests are completed, all appearances from non-cosmetic item rewards will now be granted, regardless of if that particular class can see or choose them or not. This should apply retroactively to all quests previously completed.”
And this will make things easier to solo
“Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands raid encounters have had mechanics adjusted so that they are possible to complete while solo or in a party.”
Time to farm alot of mogs!!!
Now we just need a "remove all mog limits " so we can use all items for a set - but not sure I see that one forfilled sadly
uff. too late for many.
Priest is barely a blip in the changes… Void Weaver is just flat out bad in every regard, purely to exist in PvP for Rift’s 70% slow, and all they did was give it a visual difference for PvP.
No. DK should not to look like a priest. Certain level of integrity and identity must to exist. We are already deep into smoothie territory.
But they can right now with shadowlands gear…
I disagree. Ppl should be allowed to wear what they want. And if they want to DK can still look like priests with some cosmetics… it´s all a matter of choice and taste.
There should be an option to hide other ppls mog though so if you dont like to look at it you could not but otherwise it´s a personal choice and taste and should not be restricted in this day and age
I agree with you.
I also agree with him
Will be waiting to see what story stuff there is here. I’ve seen the article on wowhead about Dornogal gossip, and there’s an encrypted quest there too so hopefully something good comes with it. Story has been okay so far, but nothing real meaty to latch onto.
This. I think that class identity should be preserved through appearance where possible.
Someone knows if tazavesh last boss was nerfed or is still a pain with his shield?
Wait so should I drop my pally 4 set for pieces with better stats?
At the very least, with War Within item levels, it should be significantly shorter, like oour damage has increased over 10 fold, meaning the 30-40 mins encounter should now be 3-4 mins.
And with all the class nerfs I guess Blizzard wish us “Happy Anniversary - have fun” cough
Frost DK and Arcane Mage getting buffed is an absolut joke.
Ret Palas getting their second rework since Dragonflight
and Warris getting nerf after nerf. so much to: We hear you! You just dont listen at all and not taking looks into numbers. Swap some of the Class Devs please This is just absurd
What’s the celebration meant to be exactly? 20 years of how bad you are at balancing your own game? How in the living f are frost dk’s getting a BUFF?! do you play your own game?? Mage? are you ever going to let them just be underpar for once.
MORE warrior nerfs when I’m already getting gapped by Pala’s/FDK’s and others who are lower Ilvl than me in 11/12’s. Don’t even get me started on how your bad balancing has created one of the worst break points I’ve seen in m+ since I start doing m+ at the key levels stated above.