3/10 BM Hunter LF Semi Casual Guild to Raid - RAVENCREST ONLY


Due to recent collapse of my last guild (usual thing, player base problems etc) I’m now looking for a new guild to raid with.

I’m playing a BM Hunter, ilvl 249.5, fully renown, gems etc. - I always keep my toon up to date. Currently 3/10M 10/10HC SoD and previously Antorus Cutting Edge player.

Would prefer not to be in a ‘Try Hard’ Guild tbh, maybe with some people who are happy to try to get CE but won’t lose any sleep if they don’t make it. That’s not important to me, I prefer to raid weekly, make some progress in the Tier, get some gear, have no stress or toxic BS etc. and just get the most out of my £9.99 per month that Blizz take off me !

I want to stay on Ravencrest, as an Alliance player, I won’t move server (so please don’t ask !) but I may consider switching faction. Raid nights need to be Monday to Thursday, Friday to Sunday is family time, 2 nights per week maximum.

You can find my armory page here : https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/ravencrest/agns and there are plenty of logs to be found on WarcraftLogs.

I also have a friend who is a Priest who is looking for a home as well. He’s not been playing too seriously but has been stepping into our old team on occasion to help out. He’s played Shadow and Holy and prefers to main as a Holy Healer - unfortunately he has been trying to level legendries and gear up both specs, whilst doing a covenant switch and has not managed to complete either fully. If he can find a spot as a Holy healer he can concentrate on getting 100% up to speed on that spec.

If you’re interested, please add me : FCar#2556

Cheers, Ag.

Guilded again, thanks for the friend requests though