Do you really believe what you say? You sound of touch with reailty there bud.
Flagged for gaslighting.
Lol ffs
Someone who spams strawman arguments is ok with other people using manipulative behaviour too. Mind blown.
You’ve probably said the word “strawman” and “spam” more times than people have posted in this thread.
Thanks for finally acknowledging it. You can still respond properly to the first time I called you out on it btw.
Instead of doubling down and drifting off into oblivion.
maybe re-read the definiton of a strawman, just calling everything so doesn’t make it so.
Didn’t actually acknowledge anything other than how many times you like to say strawman and spam out of context.
And yet neither of you have displayed how the things I pointed out wasn’t strawmen. Just told me it’s “out of context” and tried to gaslight me. Interesting.
Point still standing no matter how much you float away from it.
You said strawman and spam first, how about you tell us?
Float away? I have no idea what you’re on.
Scroll up. I explained, but you avoided it.
Floating away as in not directly addresing the point I made in an attempt to avoid it. Making pointless arguments further and further away until things become mystified and nothing to do with the initial point that was made.
You must be fun at party’s
You’ve tried to gaslight me. I don’t think we should be bringing up social relationships. Do you?
I didn’t avoid any of your points, you just made up points from what you said and because it wasn’t a successful gotcha moment you seemed to keep going. Your point is you think WOTLK levelling is awful and it sucks. You don’t care about the lore or story. You think retail questing is engaging. You just can’t accept that questing and levelling is a huge part of the game. You only like end game. Presumably you want 50% increased levelling to go fast fast fast. You use the terms strawman and spam incorrectly. Claim gaslighting…I’m still struggling with how that one applies here.
You say people are drifting or floating off when you’re so far away from the point you were making. I think this just turned into a pointless back and forth troll on your part.
No. Again. Again. Again. Again.
You saying “maybe MMORPG’s aren’t for you” was a strawman, because it’s not an argument that detracts from my own opinion or arguments, and has nothing to do with what we’re talking about. It’s irrelevant. It’s just an argument for the sake of having a response to something I said.
You could literally say it to anyone talking about any part of WoW, because MMORPG’s aren’t just about questing or any of your specific points. (I said this already)
You then did it again, but replaced “MMORPG” with “private server”. Same same strawman.
You then did it again, but replaced “MMORPG” and “private server” with “retail”.
That’s 3 strawman arguments.
The reason it did work when I said it, to show you what you was doing, because you clearly still don’t understand your own words. Was because me criticizing questing is one part of MMORPG’s and therefore “MMORPG’s aren’t for you” doesn’t apply as an response to that.
You saying “I dislike raiding for x hours” and me responding with your own strawman “MMORPG’s aren’t for you”, makes the same amount of sense as when you said it, because raiding is only part of the MMORPG experience.
Is a strawman because it’s completely irrelevant to anything that is being discussed. To addess it would be pointless.
He even contradicts himself in it, saying that I “CLEARLY” don’t care and yet here I am giving my opinion. Which doesn’t seem very clear to me? It seems to me that if I’m giving my opinion I care about it.
It’s also a statement that could be applied to literally anyone on the forums ever. Even you @Gorael.
He was then gaslighting because:
I don’t understand how you could argue that this isn’t gaslighting.
I didn’t say you was gaslighting either. I was addressing both of you.
You didn’t adequately respond. I had nothing further to say to you. If you can admit and just not do it again, fair enough. But you just deny it without proving why. lol
I called you out for doing it the first time and you did it two more times after, therefore I think saying “spamming strawman arguments” is apt.
When I say my point still stands it’s because all you did was call me calling you out on it “cringe”. And nothing else.
And also:
Who turned in to a troll again?
We’re focusing on a specific point that you wanted to make, only yours? I don’t think me saying that maybe the game isn’t for you based on what you said classifies as a strawman argument. It’s not irrelevant to me based on what you said. You’re here in a thread about 50% increase advocating for it because WOTLK questing is awful to you - and in general except for retail.
Levelling isn’t just “one part” as if it’s a small one, which is what you yourself are implying as you only like endgame. I said in another post also that you can believe that if you want, as I did at one point, but you can’t then complain about questing being awful or sucking and also advocating for a faster levelling process which greatly affects the game.
Levelling and raiding are different things. One is a literally required in order to play the game to any extent, the other isn’t. I said disliking, not that it was “awful” or that it “sucks”. I’ll say the same thing again, if you outright don’t care and out the lore/story/questing then that’s cool, but implying you want a faster levelling process because of it isn’t right when it’s a big part of what the game is.
But that’s just based on your opinion if YOU think it’s “completely irrelevant” which I don’t.
You could say it’s a very minor level of gaslighting, I wouldn’t myself. I think it needs to be a little more in depth for something to be called gaslighting beyond someone saying they think you’re out of touch.
Fair enough, but I don’t agree at all.
It is cringe after you saying it about 5 times, it had nothing to do with anyone calling anybody. Similar to what the other guy said, you must be great fun at parties. You remind me of someone I knew for a long time, who then had a mid-life crisis or something then tries to over analyse/textbook everything with self important points and/or debate.
I’m not caring what you think is strawman or spam or troll or whatever. Bottom line is, if you don’t like levelling/questing, just get on with the game and not try to advocate for something that isn’t in the game and won’t ever be, and consider playing something else if you do. Retail is there and waiting.
I’m done. Cya.
Thank god for that, bowing out earlier or leaving your ego at the login screen would be great for next time you’re posting.
You’re here in a thread about 50% increase advocating for it because WOTLK questing is awful to you - and in general except for retail.
You said MMORPG’s not “classic” btw nice attempt to sidestep it one last time.
Lol, I really don’t care that much. Leave on a pseudo-high if you wish.