N'zoth Gift removed

Hey guys its possible to reset gift of nzoth becouse i remove it for mistake …
any helps will be nice :slight_smile:

No, it is not

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^ This. When you do the quest to remove it, you are prompted that if you proceed it cannot be undone and you have to click YES to that message.


Only option for re-obtaining it would be to do it again on a second character and keeping it this time, sorry.

How does one accidentally remove it?

Hey Kordii,

Sorry to say, it’s not possible to reset it, in some manner. Try to get it on another character if you want to.

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whats the reason of having [N’ZOTH GIFT ?

Noone knows yet. We’ll have to wait and see what Blizz decides to do with it.

How to get Nzoth gift?

Do the questline?

You’ll get the toy that has 1 hour duration and 1 hour cooldown. It stays upon death, zoning etc. so just macro it to your mount and enjoy your permanent gift!

Ah, toy name?

Twitching Eyeball, you’ll get it after turning in the N’zoth questline.

You get it right away when removing the buff.

Also… It seems like it doesn’t work just like the buff, as people using the toy aren’t hearing any voices lately while those who has the buff do hear them.

Seems like it is just a way to see who has the buff and who doesn’t if you removed it.

Thanks! :sunglasses:

There 1000’s of players wondering the exact same thing.
Seems to me to be just more very badly designed content, we have a questline to obtain something that seems relevant and maybe important but there is no info at all to why we are even doing it.
Plus at the end of the questline we are given the choice to remove it again with no real reason, it just makes the whole quest line and story completely pointless, there is no reason to why we should do it at all and no reason to why it is even in the game.

My gift of N’zoth dissapeared on its own… Anyone know what happend? No buff, no eye, no whispers, but the quest to remove it is still available…

Well thanks for answers i will do it on alt …

I did the removal quest but never handed it in then I disbanded it and the hat/gift returned. I guess it’s only truly removed when you hand your quest in rather than finishing the quest and not handing it in?

Logged in there to check on my priest. It wasn’t there to begin with, closed the window to start a podcast, open WoW again and it’s back.

Lol this another one of Blizzard’s exceptional bugs ? :smiley: