Suramar | Khadgar's Discovery

How? :frowning:

I cant get Khadgar’s Discovery quest from Khadgar. I have been to my class hall. I dont get the starter quest there. Been to dalaran, doesnt give it to me there either.

Do i have to complete all the zones before i can quest in Suramar? I do have the achievements for the other zones besides suramar. Or are there other quests i have to do before he gives the right one?

Have you checked inside the Violet Citadel in dalaran ?

Yes, he only gives me “The hand of fate”

Hmm, odd. Perhaps its listed in the adventure journal ?

Otherwise i have no idea tbh.
A quick search does turn up a comment that might be relevant though:

It also mentions ‘theres been reports that Nightborne characters already have Suramar completed.’

Nothing in adventure journal. Only BFA stuff.

And i have checked all those scripts, all of them shows true except these:

Khadgar’s Discovery
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(39985))

Khadgar’s Discovery
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44555))

I thought khadgar’s discovery was the beginning of the quest chain? If so, how can i have done the others quests?

Yea it is indeed the first quest.
Perhaps its an optional breadcrumb quest, or perhaps there is another quest that leads to the same followup.

Anyway i guess you can pick up the thread a little later in the questline then, here is a decent overview for what comes after the ones you already checked.

I just got a response from a GM saying that the “Khadgar’s Discovery” is a breadcrumb quest, designed to send you off to where the main quest chain starts. I have done some quests here and there in Suramar, but dont know if im doing the right quests tho. Oh well, i’ll keep doing them and see what happens.

Ty for your help :slight_smile:

Hey Rewqd,

I can confirm that the Khadgar’s Discovery is indeed a breadcrumb quest. I also can tell you that you seem to have completed that small questline that the quest is sending you to!

Thats good news, then i dont have to worry about it :slight_smile: Ty :slight_smile:

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