9 out of 10 games at high mmr

Had a firemage paired with a holy pala in them.

I know playing a mage requires 400iq but can we do something against all those smart people in the game? I’m not talking about another temp shield buff.

Nerf barriers and make their countless mistakes matter again. Also remove shimmer without compensation.


From my xp you either run into destro or mage centric caster cleaves, melee cleaves or rmpala/rmd

Man you are just troll! You lost every game because you are beyond garbage carried by sp/destro. HoJ,Full blind-Sap,Vendetta,Combustion+3x Maledict and you didnt use a single protective spell! You died like a little meaningless ape. You are 3.2 exp but your individual skill is literally 1500. I saw your M-D on holy paladin that you put on warlock and you didn’t hit it ! :DDD Next time stream PvE! Same sht like your whole fcking shadowplay.


You are right!

Make gpy 20% of someones hp, nerf blazing and ice barrier and remove the cancer slow that you get just for white swinging a frost mage when they don’t even realise you exist

rather get dh destro and resto/guardian fixed first tho


Look I’m really happy for you that you recently got your first gladiator in bfa s1, don’t let anyone tell you it’s not a real glad. You even got rank1 the season after (wow!!)

It’s really sweet of you do care about me so much, I appreciate it.

I also agree that shadowplay is insanely op and basically a free r1, that’s why a stunning number of 2 shadowpriests got it last season, and only very few, talented holy palas managed to squeeze in a r1 with rmpala.

If I were you I’d just play with a shadowpriest and grab a free r1, but If you wanna earn it with a very respected, 400iq comp like rmpala it’s your choice. No one can stop you from becoming the best player in the world


I have 10 arenas for the whole season in RMP. Are you surprised that no one wants to play shadowplay? It’s the most boring thing in the game. Each game lasts at least 10 minutes but not with you. Why? You have not yet understood how shadowpriest works. I am really sick of your stream and the whole gameplay.


He got his first glad in bfa and suddently gets r1 after? Idk chief shít doesnt add up


since when are people below 3k max rating allowed to post in the wow forums?

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don’t talk smack about people with their first glad in BfA cmonBruh

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Ik my place im just surprised he all of a sudden gets r1 if his first glad was in s1

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Oh no I was just refering to the fact that I got my first glad in bfa too

True but you didn’t play in legion after all so im pretty sure you would have gotten it

who knows :upside_down_face:

kappa klaus

Not saying legion was the pinnacle of skill or anything just saying alot of people got their first glad during somewhere in legion and ended up getting alot of xp to start facing off against well known R1s during s7

If you remove Shimmer how do you expect specs like frost to land polys since they no longer have Deep Freeze, even with Shimmer you currently need your Rdruid & Rouge to help you set up your cc because you no long have Deep Freeze, with melee mobility currently and the amount of stuns and disruptions classes have its unrealistic to think specs like frost would function without Shimmer unless they replaced it with Deep freeze, I don’t think fire should have Shimmer though, they are able to set their own cc up due to still having DB, so i’d agree with removing It from fire, but im not to sure how it would impact arcane, but you would find it extremely have to land cc without it and flop hard vs comps like Dk/DH/healer, or any melee comp with high mobility, that’s the reason it exists.

Well in times of rmx being able to kill you in the opener or to kill you in deep damp if they fail every setup miserably for 15min I don’t think there’s a need of guaranteed polys on dr.

Because at this point rmx is just a glorified version of tsg or whatever comp sounds the most mongo to you, as it’s exactly that without any way of getting punished

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Already made a suggestion for this with preserving specc fantasy.
Shimmer should be arcane only
Frost has no access to shimmer, deep freeze reintroduced for frost mages
Fire already has db to secure polies.

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if they do this I will reroll back to mage and feel good as ever.