9.1 Kyrian PvP Stats Choice

Hi fellow warriors;

i wanna level this PVP warrior as Kyrian after seen new Kyrian Legendary…

Here is my question, with new legendary spear of bastion will do %25 more crit dmg while active, should i go for Crit&Versa stacked gear (like i did as Venthyr) instead of Haste&Versa ?

What would you do ?

Honestly I’d just distribute all the stats evenly after versa. Warrior is still about sustained damage and this kind of distribution would work there the best

I’d go haste still as Kyrian, if you take the spear legendary, crit is kind of already covered by it, at least during burst.

We cant say that for sure yet. You will have to sim - or just check what the gamers go for once the patch has launched. For pvp i would go with Versa > Haste. Haste might get worse once you reached the softcap (could be 20% i dont know yet). But i imagine that crit is well covered by the bastion spear from now on.

If I were you, I would not go Kyrian just for this legendary. In practice you aren’t inside the area of your own spear very much, especially if you’re using it to peel for a team mate or catch up to an enemy. Unless they’ve changed how the lego works that is.

I guess the extended time on it would give you more time to get into it if it was used to catch up. Idk, it just seems a bit unreliable. The amount of times a spear is missed too is quite high unless you’re fighting against melee.

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