9.1 pvp gearing is going to make people quit

1800 cr gives 227 item level…

Players right now are already 226…

So i’m already BIS for PVP so everybody starting new in the season attempting to push and going to be gated below even 1400.



thought 9.0 made people quit pvp. Gearing is awful currently too, you basically pay for boosts from people with 233 weaps to clap people else you’re stuck struggling with a significant item level diff in weapons which grossly matters the minute you land anywhere close to challenger rating.


The mass of people playing PvP, that didn’t get boosted, weren’t even close to 226 and couldn’t get to it. That’s what actually made most of all quit. And like the above guy said, thought most people already quite because of that in 9.0… :slight_smile:


You mean, 9.1 is not going to make people come back to the game.


Then what gives 259 Ilvl?

Im pretty sure the honor gear is 229 item lvl …

That makes more sense. Guess OP did a brain fart.


and pvp gear will be boosted by 13 ilvl in pvp context

if it only apply to season 2 items, your current 226 items will be garbage quite fast

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So… assuming the same ilvl differences, it’d mean 240 ilvl baseline will be rival gear and 253 when upscaled.

At 59 renown:) At start - 190 max.

we are at 197 now …

After how much grind? Just so you can even compete with people? Why are there 7 (SEVEN!!!) upgrades of honor gear on each piece I have to go through? Why can’t I just buy one honor piece thats fully upgraded for cheap, because it’s kind of the point of honor gear to be affordable way to get into pvp early on?
It’s pointless to play an alt, it’s pointless to start playing as a new player because to have fun (which is the main part of the PvP) and become better you first need to grind, grind, grind, grind again, all of that against people with far better gear than you, over and over.
Why would people do that? They won’t, they just quit and play something else.


Because its how they balanced out the start of the xpac time gating it honor gear is only for the start of an expansion after that you should be fully focused on renown gear and conquest.

People who couldnt get 2100 in arena in s1 can farm honor gear in s2 to be at an equal playing field next patch untill people have high conquest caps.

Which is a). Still timegated by renown and b). It’s not farm, it’s grind. And if I want to play an alt later I will stumble upon the same issue, I will require pointless honor grind to be able to grind conquest to be able to grind honor again.

The amount of honor you will require to upgrade everything to maximum is something you can earn by playing nonstop BGs for 10+ hours a day over the course of like 2 weeks. Against people that are obviously geared way better. And you have to do over and over for every character you want to play. To you it might be okay, but as I said, for normal people it’s not okay and they just won’t play it and then you will wonder why you dont find any people to play with/against.


So you are trying to say i am not normal i have farmed honor gear once this expansion and it was at the start during the caps 171-184-197 it was balanced around the time gating right now you should not be spending any honor you get on any pvp gear from bgs as the catchup system is already in place and its the renown gear you get from doing your campaign… and its very easy to upgrade with anima you can be fully geared 197 in 1 week playing around 2-3 hours per day.

The game can not work with honor gear been easy to obtain and higher item lvl as it would make mythic + gearing and lfr/normal raids pointless as they have low drop % vs 100% drop chance from honor.

Currently just got my alt to lvl 60 on the 29th of last month or maybe the 30th and it is already 218 ilvl in full conquest almost i bought 2 pieces of honor gear and they was trinkets i did not even upgrade them to 197.
https:/ /check-pvp.fr/eu/Draenor/Feraltwo

Only the maldraxxus gear has versa on it. It won’t really work with other covenants so you can’t argue like that, also earning anima becomes at some point even more difficult than grinding honor.
Yes, your alt is maldraxxus which have the luxury of having the covenant set with versatility on it, so you can skip all the honor grind at once and jump straight into arena.

Why would I care about LFR and normal raids? PvE players should do PvE. It’s their thing. Separating PvE and PvP gear like they will do in 9.1 is actually a good thing since they could make honor gear cheaper, but they aren’t. PvE is about progress. PvP is about skill and competition. But right now in the current expansion in the current meta, the gear is the most deciding factor because the only thing that can protect you from surviving a paladin’s oneshot is gear which you dont have.

The hunter i played with was ventyhr and he just played without versatility what is the problem?

Because you play wow if you want a game of skill and competition go play csgo/cod or league wow has never been fair its nice to have the gear instantly given to you at a set item level like it was in the past but people also get bored if there is nothing to farm ill say for sure gearing in this expansion has been the most fun in pvp having to farm the honor to upgrade i see as fine whats not fine is the ammount of conquest you get per game you should still have to farm to get the best gear in an mmo or you would legit gear to 226 ilvl in one day.

They are changing the gap of the ilvl next patch so it wont be a massive problem like it is now but i dont agree you should be able to just make a class and gear it out in 1 week infact the harder it is the better it is for the game so people dont FOTM reroll and ruin the ladder.

You shoul apply to become activision employee, you will go far there with that pov.

And that is the problem that should be fixed. If blizzard wants to make wow a proper esports they should first of all work on accessibility and make it fair.

Yeah, ranged class has it bit easier than a melee but now you are suddenly changing the topic after I debunked your druid myth.

You will get 226 one day. One day. Not now, not next month, one day. While playing against people that already have 226 from the moment you que a BG. The issue is, however, as I mentioned before, people won’t play the game to get the gear one day. They will just leave and play something else, the legue like you mentioned and git gud there.
Not everyone is a masochist that enjoys to suffer for months until he/she finally gets the damned gear just to be able to have fun.

I play wow to have fun NOW. And not one day.


Go play a private server then wow couldnt make it as an esports when pvp was one of the most played part of the game during cata/mop its never going to be an esports either.

you people need to stop trying to force it the top players have gear and its fair still nobody watches the AWC if you play wow to have fun when your character is geared up already if you cant gear it up ye im sorry its a little unfair atm if you cant get 2100 and i agree they need to lower the item lvl to be 3 ilvl per tier but thats not a problem with the game you just dont have enough time to play this game anymore.

It does not take long to gear up also maybe try get on the tournament realm if you want to play every class/spec without having to play actual wow the people that try to force esports in wow are always the same always so many excuses even if its something as small as having to go do 1 dungeon to play pve wow is a game as a whole not just for pvp.

Ye another excuse from you its not another topic its another person gearing up without versatility you just dont want to listen to it because you failed to gear up or dont have enough time which sucks but then wow is not for you its always been a grind.