[A/H-PvE/PvP] Return of the Damned part two Campaign - Finished!

'lo 'lo. Signing up as an individual.

Name: Ignirr
Faction: Alliance

Consider theeself signed up.

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Don’t know how late I am but haven’t had access to the forums until now.

I suppose I can only count one of the voices here, so individual it is.

Name: Vradek

Faction: Filthy Neutral

Listed up! as filthy neutral.

I am still on tentative, does that mean I can show up or not?
I have alts, but I will only play one character at a time if I can make it.

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Tentative means signed up atleast, so yes, all good if you come or not.

Ishal’atir Manablade here. I wish to sign up as a neutral.

Well here she is.

Insert questionable face here
Something’s not quite right

Gotcha, noted down as neutral individual.

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Does this count as Vilesun only or “1 player slot” as I might not play the same character the whole time.

That’s all good :slight_smile:

The sign ups are now closed!


Crap i got completely occupied with irl stuff that i forgot to sign up can i make a last second sign up?

Inventory is full.

Unfortunately Sign Ups closed on wednesday night, this is however mostly to stop guilds from signing up so that we don’t have a sudden late influx of large groups, one or two individuals won’t harm, but please keep in mind that this is an exception. There’s an closed time for a reason.
Join the discord and we’ll talk.

I think that’s a little bit unfair. Not everyone can or wants to use discord (for various reasons no one has to justify, imho).
Making discord (or other third party) such an integral part of a World of Warcraft activity rubs me the wrong way.
I was hoping to read player feedback or updates here and don’t really feel like joining X number of discords where I have to constantly tab out to.
But maybe I’m the only one since nobody else complains.

Then don’t use it?

It’s much more easier for organisation and to keep literal hundreds of people organized and in touch with events and updates. But if you think it’s unfair then /shrug.

Using discord removes many limitations such as differend channels for differend kind of updates, as we have three differend factions, they need differend updates. It is much easier keeping those seperate.

It’s not a pretty solution, but like Sainur says. It’s the simplest and most useful solution to keep people informed in a campaign. Especially with all the changes, zone emotes and general stuff characters do off screen while we’re logged off. Putting all that in a forum thread would be much messier and harder to keep track of.

Fair enough, but is there a way to keep track of it via IC means only or is discord absolutely mandatory?
This thread seems a little dead if everything is done over discord, a bit of a shame.