A more realistic start to BfA

There was no need to destroy Teldrassil either and yet, Blizz did it.

UC’s destruction would have made sense somewhat, had Sylvanas - as hinted in the book - been attacking Stormwind, instead. But that did not happen, either (except for the first)

So, don’t bank on anything Blizz “need to” do or not. As long as the present staff holds the reigns - anything goes! It is a crying shame, but it seems en vogue that i…, in general, seem to thrive in the US at the present time - frightfully so.

Ahh, the word ‘‘nuke’’ has such a lovely ring to any Goblin, … whether he is Steamwheedle or Bilgewater.

HOWEVER, seeing our prestigious Cartel, i.e. the great house of Steamwheedle being dumped into a) a Horde zone and b) in one room with the Bilgewater dumbass*es just doesnt’ fly! The Steamwheedle Cartel is a NEUTRAL association and we have our very own trade hubs. Thank you very much!!!

No. All goblins are horde now. Gazlowe made the right call. Soon all of Azeroth will cower in front of the green master race.

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If that is true - and I do not doubt what you are saying - then Blizzard has killed another race for me. Thank you Blizz! Thank you very much for being such a bunch of considerate and far-sighted morons!

It was stupid and bad to have the Pandaren choose factions at the end of MoP, but at least the non-playable side of the Goblins could make believe they were neutral, which was a great attraction to that race for me (same with Pandaren, originally).

Blizz can shove their faction war anywhere they see fit.

Goblin imperialism is what I am rooting for. We need it more more good faction conflict. Neutrality is boring.

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Jokes aside. I played the ptr a bit. Gazlowe and his crew has a strong horde positive theme around him and does his best to outperform the alliance in mechagon. He clearly makes shots to a non neutral steamweedle cartel.

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Dude you need to pick one, goblins are one of the most neutral people because they want to make benefit out of everyone. And so to any major hub like Everlook, Booty Bay or Gadgetzan are neutral to everyone.

edit: oh wait you were joking. sorry.

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but non-horde goblins do have a faction.

its called the market.


Market isn’t a faction lol. It’s like calling a trade a faction.

Spoken like a true Goblin! Well, like a Steamwheedle really, since their Cartel is (used to be?) the only one catering to both sides of the faction fence, i.e. the market. Yay!!


amazon*com was founded 10 years prior to Blizzard. Was the latter getting ideas from the first? I wonder because Blizzard did not copy from J.R.R.Tolkien in that respect, i.e. although their Goblins are kinda “subservient” to the Orcs, too, they are made out to be more independent, commerce-orientated and intelligent.

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