A painful realisation

Going to be a long one people, so buckle in if you want to read it, or if not I’ll leave a helpful TLDR at the bottom.

I came to a painful realisation over the weekend, one I always knew was coming but never knew how close it was. I think my role playing days are behind me.

I still love WoW (mostly) and I still love the idea of stories happening in WoW with players, I still fantasise about the things that my characters could be doing in the world and dreaming up new characters with rich backstories. But I don’t really want to play them anymore, the motivation just isn’t there anymore.

I rarely log into the game these days, mostly due to a lack of time on my part. Since I got married my playtime reduced drastically, not because being married means you don’t have any time, but suddenly I found myself wanting to do things that weren’t WoW. Then when my daughter was born earlier this year, she took up the remaining free time that was left, and I don’t begrudge that for a moment.

But this weekend I managed to get a bit of time to come in-game and maybe do a bit of RP. Exciting!

This is a rare occurence for me, the last long stint of RP I did would have been sometime during Warlords of Draenor and then only bits and pieces after Legion was released. Finally then I get an opportunity to do all of this backlog of RP that I’ve been thinking up.

What did I do then with this weekend?

Bugger all.

I sat around the Valley of Honour like a common statue, watching things happen around me with some interest but not wanting to actively engage. I was a living Pet Peeve. I almost put “approachable” in my TRP for a bit of irony.

At first I thought it was because I was just too lazy or out of practice to approach people, but after a few hours I realised it was because actually I didn’t really feel like role playing. I wanted to play Cities Skylines or reinstall KotOR2, get through the backlog of games I have or just go out for a walk.

Why is this so important? Well for me it’s kind of a hard thing to let go of. Role playing has been a huge part of my life, as I’m sure it is and has been for a huge swathe of people here on Argent Dawn.

When my family collapsed when I was a teenager, role playing was my way of escaping that and living out lives that were exciting and important and within my control. I lived my life entirely through online role play, not engaging with the outside world and effectively being a shut-in right up until my early twenties.

Perhaps that’s for the worst overall, but those memories and experiences I had in those years online were as real and powerful to me as any that another person might have had in the real world.

Times spent with friends in Azeroth and in the universe of Star Wars engaging in epic conflicts and developing our characters over periods of months and years. Just as valuable to me as having a real campfire with friends on a summers evening.

It’s difficult to explain this to someone who hasn’t lived it like we have.

So that’s why I am writing this here, because I am mourning for a part of my life that is seemingly behind me, for better or worse. I can’t accurately describe the depth of feeling I have for it to my wife, who would do her best to understand, because she has no context for it.

But you do.

We all role play for different reasons, I’m sure a lot of you can’t relate to this because your reasons and motivations are something else entirely. But while I don’t know many of you, have never interacted with many of you, we share a common thread and I’m grateful that you exist.

It’s because of you and my experiences that I would never forsake playing on a role play server, even if I never intend to actively engage in it again. Because at my heart I am still one, I still want to play in a world where character stories are evolving around me and are visible as I play because it makes the experience that much more enjoyable.

Sorry for the long rant here, but there is no other audience I could share this with that would be able to understand where I’m coming from.

Love, Akamito <3 (and his uncle)

PS: I’m not leaving Argent Dawn, just not going to be roleplaying.

TLDR: Realised that I don’t really want to RP anymore, RP has been a significant part of my life and I can’t share how weird an experience this is with anyone other than other RPers.


I feel you, my dude.
Realized the same thing half a year ago.

Gonna leave you with these words of comfort:
You don’t need an active subscription to post on AD forums


You do to play WoW Classic though.

Auto-attacks slowly with a two-hander waiting for a windfury proc

Go, Akamito, Run as far as you can from this place and never look back, for a bright future is ahead of you. One not filled with peeve threads and repetitive Drama.

That’s where you wrong.

I might not be RPing anymore, but I still need to fill the boring downtime at work with something and the AD forums have become my home. I live now for the peeves thread.

Also, someone give me a cool clickbaity title for this thread. I was thinking: “I WILL NEVER RP AGAIN, AND HERE’S WHY:”

If I could add a thumbnail image it would have Akamito’s face in an angry or shocked expression with a big red arrow pointing towards idk maybe Sylvanas or something.

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It happens. Im in much the same situation; busy work life, married (although the Mrs is also an avid gamer so there’s that) and generally other things that take up spare time. Much the same, teenage years were saved by MMOs, and its a large part of what makes us ‘Us’ these days.

So, fully understood. And its no bad thing :slight_smile: life changes, evolves, adapts. Like as not, in a few years time, either something new will come out that refreshes your enthusiasm or you’ll perhaps dip back in to WoW and find it more to your liking then.
‘Until next time’ is different from ‘Good Bye’, as they say :slight_smile:


Here are three good ones:

“Azeroth at war/ PCU stabbed my dog so I’m leaving”

“The Truth about Kump”

“World of Warcraft: My little Old gods expansion leak.”

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If it wasn’t for one guild I’m In, I’d probably stop RPing and move to Elder Scrolls Online for the content and roleplay.

No one roleplays forever, but we all have font memories of it. And those memories are still there, and who knows maybe in the future you’ll return and actually actively RP for some time. Even for the most lovable hobbies one could have, a break is a good thing no matter how long it takes. And maybe… that break becomes something forever but it doesn’t have to be! As long as we’re all doing what makes us happy and give us gratification, maybe letting go of something that has been a part of our lives isn’t that bad. It still holds a place in our heart and if the desire ever returns know that this server will still be here.

It’s hard to let go, but at the same time you will have moments in the future to come that you will cherish as well. Just be sure to enjoy the moments while they’re happening, before you know it we’re all old and gray. While we can be sad that it’s over, let’s be happy that we experienced those great moments in our lives.

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Carbek you comedian.

Guess this means you won’t steal pet peeves 100k post from me


As a fellow member of Son of Bruuf I endorse this message.

(For real though; love the Painted Shields. Best Zanda Guild EU)

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Dream on fool.

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No, i get it. I’ve been getting in the mood for RP less and less as the years have rolled on.

I’m more into writing stories about my characters than actual RPing them out.

Although, I am going to attend Kosh’harg this week.

You might’ve lost the spark but the fire never truly dies. I understand being tired and uninspired, busy with life and seeking other creative outlets. Do what you enjoy and be happy. If, for whatever reason, the old haunts call, some of us will probably still be around.

Given people are on Classic and there’s not much going on, I am feeling a touch burnt out myself. When the patch hits and there’s more active gossip and probably more players about, I’ll hopefully feel better, but right now most things are kinda meh.

Lovely read, it’s a sentiment that resonates with me. I haven’t properly roleplayed with commitment properly since MoP; turns out, my golden years were being a young teenager just finding his footing in the RP scene. When I was 11-15 I mained Drowon, Tinpockets, Witherwell, Mogi - led up to three (disastrous but fun) guilds, made so many online friends, and really found a niche in the AD community. But by the time WoD had come out, I had lost something. I committed myself to guild after guild but always found myself dropping off or vanishing, not because the guild wasn’t engaging but because I couldn’t connect with anything behind that screen like I used to. The sad conclusion was that roleplay was an activity I only really enjoyed when I was young and new, and growing older made me realise just how jaded a lot of the scene is. I last properly roleplayed when I was seventeen, four years ago now.

I’ve joined a guild on Hydraxian Waterlords on Classic, and last night Southshore had their first proper community event. It was bustling, and whilst I was excited to meet so many new characters, I was too anxious to interact with any of them! It’s a learning curve of getting back into the right mindset to enjoy roleplaying again, but I’m optimistic the new setting and roster of characters will do something to help.

Proud of you for raising a family!


So I’m a mystery then?

To Akamito:
Anyway. I don’t know what to say about this exactly, especially now that I’m busy with some stuff and things i need to do and mind is mostly occupied with them, but here’s my piece on this as a friend, if you’d honor me and consider me one:

Know that, I’ve always had a good feeling about you, even that we didn’t talk much directly nor ever RPed with eachother.
And I loved that i seen you in game last night, after long time not logging on wow and hereby not RPing. (Long story why, some do know.)
It was really good.

always thought and dreamed of a day which some obstacles and IRL problems may be removed, then i become more active in wow again , then through RP, Kump and Akamito become some brotherly friends IC. I simply had it in my head, and I’m sharing it because it may warm your heart too.

Either way, you have me on Discord, and whenever wanted and i have time, can talk with me over there. i usually try to sympathize and be understanding. (I just try to, not claiming that I am a big good sympathetic person.)
I too know the feeling of escaping from a horrible life and sorrows via Roleplay. Something i did last year, as I’ve been through terrible times through last years, even they may not be as bad as yours, but i can understand.
You can try to take a break from RPing for now. When you return after a break, things may feel better, newer and more exciting. :slight_smile:

Anyway, hopefully we’ll have the brotherly IC friendship some day. Hell, even OOC too because why not. :slight_smile:
And i wish the best for you and your family, Brother. :heart:

Lok’tar ogar. :muscle:

Sorry for the long rant.
Tl;dr is know that you’re loved, try to be well and take a break if needed. :slight_smile:


I guess that sooner or later we’ll all reach this point where we realise that RP is no longer for us. For now I’m still having fun in it, and met great people through it, and will still be kicking around Argent Dawn for a while longer I think, but eventually it’s like with all good things: they all come to an end.

Anyways Akamito, I wish you well in whatever you choose to do next.


Don’t worry about it Akamito! I assume some people on the AD forums here just linger around without any active subscription!

I’m one of them, and just because you don’t feel like RPing anymore, doesn’t mean you have to let go of WoW in its entirety! I still love to come to the forums and discuss WoW’s story! Even if I tend to get abit to much caught up in it! :smiley:

I love this game, and I always will, even though I don’t play it anymore! And so do you and every other person lingering around here! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyhows; I suppose its welcome to the non-active Wow-Player club? :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S: I assume your Uncle who works at Blizzard will keep us uptodate through you , even if you don’t play the game anymore :wink:

I feel you man, recently IRL has been creeping into what was my RP time, and like you I wouldn’t change it for the world.

WoW RP gave me an escape and I will.always appreciate that but… I don’t know if I will just stop rping one day or will I struggle on. Only time will tell.