[A - RP ] On the trail of Azj'Aqir

Third time’s the charm, eh?

Several weeks ago, while taking a break from hunting the strange azerite cult, we followed another set of azerite wounds to Un’Goro Crater and found the most unusual couple - two qiraji who claimed to be free of Old God’s control, but were nevertheless hostile. After getting rid of them and their azerite-fed silithids, we encountered the most unusual sight.

The ancient tol’vir sorcerer, Azj’Aqir, long thought dead supervillain who once wielded a scepter capable of controlling silithids. He warned us to stay away, but surely, we cannot stay away for long? We cannot let an ancient evil concoct whatever nefarious plots he came up with, and leave alone whoever brought him back.

Join me the coming Tuesday, 30th of July, 8 PM server time in Stormwind City, Cathedral District, Argent Dawn building to embark on a campaign to track Azj’Aqir down and stop whatever schemes he hatched.

Everyone’s free to come, as long as they let you through the gates of Stormwind. ((For gameplay reasons, you have to be of an Alliance race)) Let us hope this time, there are enough heroes willing to join us to stop this evil!

((Expect D&D-style combat done with dice rolls through /roll or Dice Master - don’t worry if you’ve never done this before, I’ll try to introduce everything))

Dice Master: for unit frames and talking heads.
TRP3 Extended: for sharing a custom-made book on Azj’Aqir. (But I do have a copy saved as an imgur album)


Alunaria is not present in that part of the continent on Tuesday - but perhaps she could meet you half way depending on where you end up - or will the majority of the event take place in Stormwind? :slight_smile:

How long do you imagine the event will last?

I´ve never done that kind of thing before though; just exactly how wounded can a character end up getting?


I’m sure Xarthat can answer this better than I can, but I find it hard to stop myself when I see a question to which I think I know the answer :slight_smile:

Basing my answer off the Safeguarding Azeroth encounters I took part in, one can get banged up pretty good (and find one’s clothes needing some repair), but the righteousness of our cause (and Xarthat’s healing skills) has thus far prevented fatalities.

Then again, I just heard about Karzhuk, so… I’m not sure what to think, but I do not know the details of Karzhuk’s demise. It was probably bigger than a random encounter with an azerite-empowered enemy.

Edit: And Xarthat is generous with healing before sending people home from the encounters, so you should be relatively unhurt when the mission is over:)

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Stormwind is just the meeting point. We’ll be going to southern Kalimdor.

If your HP goes down to 0, you fall unconscious until the end of the encounter. However, I did some rebalancing and it should happen less now that I’m fully on my own rules. Also, as Grawle mentioned, I tend to heal those in need before myself.

Karzhuk’s death was a plot decision by the player. I’m not planning on killing off anyone. Except maybe the villains.

If it lasts past 10 PM, I will be expediting it as much as I can without hurting the story.


Thank you so much for the clarification both of you :slight_smile: I will do my best to make it!

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We had a slightly long evening, fighting silithids and anubisaths, and crazy evil draenei, and finally freed an Old God minion so it’s no longer in the hands of Azj’Aqir. So… success? Ish?

IRL, I’m very happy with what we’ve done and sorry if anyone missed any sleep. :slight_smile: We shall try another next week same time. More info coming soon.

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Screenshots, screenshots - Get them while they are hot!

Thank you for the event :butterfly:



So many great screenshots!


I only wish you could somehow actually put the custom units in the world! Without breaking the ToS.

So, I hope this post will have enough visibility.

Join me for the grand finale of our search for Azj’Aqir the coming Tuesday, 8 PM server time, meeting once again in the Argent Dawn building of the Cathedral District.

Champions of Azeroth have spotted a large Obsidian Destroyer, regularly convening with a colorful caste of character deep within the Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj. Far behind the lines of seemingly unending swarms of silithids, a group of villains is plotting to take control of the Old Gods themselves and use their power for their own gain. They must be stopped before a group of unscrupulous bandits gains incomprehensible power, or they unleash something they cannot control!

And Magni has another question for all of you. What happened to the Scarab Gong? We have not seen it in Azj’Aqir’s possession yet…


(Stupid forum limitations. It’s me, Xarthat)

We finally dealt with Azj’Aqir. Kinda.

After a botch surprise attack, we got bogged down in a fight between two silithid broods. Once that was out of the way, we found some of the other Champions of Azeroth dead by C’Thaqua, the monstrosity we released last time. She promised us power, and we of course refused, despite her turning into a more humanoid form in an effort to change our minds. We then confronted Azj’Aqir, saw his allies turn on him, then we beat him up, and then he blew up an azerite cache and disappeared.

So he’s defeated and without any way to act for a good while, but he can return some day. The Azj’Aqir campaign is officially over.

But if you will join me, I will have a new campaign soon. Stay tuned.


I’m very excited that Xarthat is such a reliable RP provider on the Alliance side! His efforts are both commendable and inspiring. Sadly I was unable to join the Azj’Aqir campaign due to HotT RP, but I look forward to hopefully being able to join an event or two in the future. :blush:


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